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Ray Kurzweil Says We’re Going to Live Forever

As a futurist, you are famous for making predictions of when technological innovations will actually occur. Are you willing to predict the year you will die?
My plan is to stick around. We’ll get to a point about 15 years from now where we’re adding more than a year every year to your life expectancy.

Adam DeTour for The New York Times

Ray Kurzweil

To clarify, you’re predicting your immortality.
The problem is I can’t get on the phone with you in the future and say, “Well, I’ve done it, I have lived forever,” because it’s never forever.

You have described microscopic nanobots of the future that will be able to shape shift into anything, even gather into patterns that mimic familiar life-forms. So millions of nanobots will be running around that look just like Ray Kurzweil?
This idea of creating a whole virtual body with nanobots, that’s more like a 2050 scenario. But by the 2030s we’ll be putting millions of nanobots inside our bodies to augment our immune system, to basically wipe out disease. One scientist cured Type I diabetes in rats with a blood-cell-size device already.

I’m curious what will happen to marriage if we become immortal. I think a lot of people look across the table at their spouse and think, 50 years is more than enough time to spend with any one person.
The concept of marriage has changed. Fifty percent of marriages dissolve within a decade or two, and people already have second life spouses.

But what about you and your wife? Are you mated for eternity?
We’ve been married 37 years. I made a commitment to my wife, and I have no intention of changing that. But I actually don’t talk about the very long term. I’m focused on the challenges of the week and the year, maybe the decade.

Your critics like to say that in addition to foreseeing much that has come to pass — like predicting in 1983 that a computer would dominate humans in chess by the late ’90s — you have also made plenty of erroneous predictions, like writing in 1999 that there would be continuous economic growth for the United States and a consistently rising stock market through 2019.
But there has been continuous economic growth, every single year except one over the last decade.

Your father, a musical conductor, died when you were 22, and you insist that by using his DNA, as well as the music and writing he left, you can reanimate him. Will we literally find him on a car lot picking out a new Cadillac?
By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people. This implies that these are people with volition just like you and I, not just games that you turn on or off. Is it my father? You could argue that it’s a simulation. But it’s not something you can play with. You don’t want to bring someone back who might be very depressed because the world is very different than they expect and the people they know aren’t around.

You predict that by 2045, computing will be somewhere in the neighborhood of one billion times as powerful as all the human brains on earth. But if these machines are so smart, won’t they achieve some sort of dominion over us?
It’s not us versus them. We’ve created these tools to overcome our limitations, and we’ve integrated with them already. A.I. today is not in three or four dark federal intelligence agencies; it’s in billions of mobile devices around the world.

You’ve said that if you woke up one day with a terminal disease, you’d be forced to invent a cure. Were you being serious?
I absolutely would try. I’m working now on a cancer project with some scientists at M.I.T., and if I develop cancer, I do have some ideas of what I would do.

I imagine a lot of people would hear that and say, Ray, if you think you’re capable of curing yourself, why don’t you go ahead and start curing others?
Well, I mean, I do have to pick my priorities. Nobody can do everything. What we spend our time on is probably the most important decision we make. I don’t know if you’re aware, but I’m joining Google as director of engineering.