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January 25, 2013

Senate Votes - S.Res. 15, S.Res. 16: Senate Procedures and Rules

S.Res. 15: A resolution to improve procedures for the consideration of legislation and nominations in the Senate.

Resolution agreed to in Senate, under the order of 1/24/2012, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, without amendment: 78-16

S.Res. 16: A resolution amending the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment: 86-9

S.Res. 15: A resolution to improve procedures for the consideration of legislation and nominations in the Senate.
Sponsor: Sen Reid, Harry [NV] (introduced 1/24/2013)      Cosponsors (2)

S.AMDT.3 Amendment SA 3 proposed by Senator Lee.
To amend the Standing Rules of the Senate to reform the filibuster rules to improve the daily process of the Senate.
S.AMDT.3 Amendment SA 3 not agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Resolution agreed to in Senate, under the order of 1/24/2012, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, without amendment: 78-16 (GT).

S.Res. 16: A resolution amending the Standing Rules of the Senate.
Sponsor: Sen Reid, Harry [NV] (introduced 1/24/2013)      Cosponsors (3)

Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment: 86-9 (GT).

Reid, McConnell reach Senate filibuster deal
By a 78-16 vote, the Senate adopted a two-year deal intended to give Republicans a minimum number of amendments during floor debate, but limiting their ability to filibuster efforts to begin debate on legislation. It also will limit dilatory tactics on lower-tiered judicial and executive branch nominees.

And by an 86-9 vote, the Senate made permanent changes to the rules to quickly schedule legislation in situations where there’s consensus on legislation — and limited stalling tactics to prevent Senate talks from convening with the House.

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