Louise Slaughter

Louise Slaughter


NY-28 · http://www.louise.house.gov

From web dev. to biotech, nanotech and optics, I am committed to creating the jobs of tomorrow here at home.

Congratulations to Dr. Todd Pagano of who today was named U.S. Prof of the Year! couldn't be more proud.

Today I return to Congress to create jobs, grow our economy, reduce our deficit, and return fairness to our tax code. Lets get to work!

Thank you to all our nation's veterans- and lets end the war in Afghanistan now and bring our sons and daughters home.

To report downed power lines all RGE customers can call 1-800-743-1701. In an emergency, always call 911. Be prepared and stay safe.

Rochester Deaf Awareness Week continues! Check out my latest blog on the contributions of the deaf community to

Yesterday I was pleased to announce a new job training program at MCC. A brief video explaining the program is here:

Deaf .. Beautiful! This week is Rochester Deaf Awareness Week. Check out the calendar below and get involved today!

From 1-5 pm today, Jordan Health Link (273 Upper Falls Blvd.) is hosting blood tests for lead poisoning.

The threat from antibiotic-resistant diseases like MRSA are real and immediate- the time to act is now.

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