Archive for February, 2012


Marf…on the day James Murdoch stepped aside

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

  • If you would like to own a Marf original or a print please contact her at They make great presents

  • h1

    Does Ed need more than the NHS to attack Dave with?

    Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

    Is he becoming a one club golfer?

    For the fourth successive PMQs Ed Miliband focused his attacks on the government’s stance on the NHS bill and, on balance, he got the better of Dave again. This is a tricky one for the Tories and I thought that although Dave was better prepared today Miliband just edged it.

    But the opposition leader, surely, has got to find something else to go on. At some stage, perhaps not too far off, the bill will be off the agenda and Ed will have to get back to what is by far the biggest issue – the economy.

    There’s a sense now that choosing the NHS bill every Wednesday is exposing Labour’s ongoing weaknesses on the subject. Ed knows that if he moves to the economy Cameron will produce a plethora of facts and figures putting the blame on Labour.



    LAB moves to six point lead with Ipsos-MORI

    Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

    Is this the end of Dave’s “Veto Bounce”

    The February political monitor from MORI is out and LAB moves to a six point lead over the Tories with the LDs unchanged. In January the two parties were level with the blues still getting the benefit of the so-called “Veto Bounce”.

    All three main party leaders recorded negative satisfaction ratings, with more voters saying they were unhappy with the job they were doing than satisfied.

    Cameron’s personal rating was down 10 points since last month on minus 11, with 40% saying they were pleased with the job he was doing as PM, compared with 51% who were not. Nick Clegg scored minus 32 and Miliband minus 25.

    For the first time since he became leader in 2010, the monthly Political Monitor found more Labour supporters dissatisfied (48%) than satisfied (44%) with Mr Miliband’s performance.



    Is Mitt just a little closer to the White House?

    Wednesday, February 29th, 2012


    NBC has now called Michigan for Romney – all the networks called Arizona for Romney almost as soon as polls closed.
