Academy Nominations

The September 26, 2012 deadline to submit an application to Senator Brown for a nomination to a service academy has passed.  Applications for the class entering in the summer of 2014 will be available through a Senate Office beginning on March 1, 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact Senator Brown’s Academy Coordinator at 888-896-6446 (press 1 for Cleveland).

Dates and Deadlines

March 1, 2012

Applications Available Online

August 1, 2012 - September 26, 2012

Completed Applications Accepted

October 2012 - November 2012

Candidate Interviews Conducted

January 31, 2013

Nominations Announced


Prior to applying for a nomination from Senator Brown, please contact your academy or academies of choice to begin that school's application process. Each academy will apprise you of any special physical, medical or academic requirements specific to that school.

United States Air Force Academy »

United States Naval Academy »

United States Military Academy »

United States Merchant Marine Academy »

The United States Coast Guard Academy does not require Congressional nominations. If you are interested in attending the Coast Guard Academy, you should contact the academy directly.
Coast Guard »


Am I qualified to be considered for a nomination to a military service academy?

To qualify for Senator Brown's nomination, you must be a United States citizen and a resident of the State of Ohio. In addition, the service academies require the following:

  • For West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy, you must be at least 17 years old, but not yet 23 years old on July 1, 2013. The Merchant Marine Academy has the same minimum age requirement but accepts students who are not yet 25 years old on July 1, 2013.
  • You must not be married, pregnant or have any legal obligation to support children or other dependents.

When should I request an application for nomination from Senator Brown?

You may request an application through Senator Brown's website during the spring of your high school junior year or any time thereafter. If you are a high school freshman, sophomore or junior in your first semester, you may call Senator Brown's Academy Coordinator at the Cleveland office (888-896-6446) to obtain information and ask questions about the application and nominations process.

Can I only be considered for one academy?

You may ask to be considered for any or all of the academies; however, you can only receive a nomination to one academy. The application asks you to rank your academies of choice by order of preference.

When is the application packet due?

The application packet must be delivered to Senator Brown's Cleveland office between August 1, 2012 and September 26, 2012. The packet must include the following:

  • The completed six-page application.
  • Two one-page essays.
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who are not members of your family. One letter should be from an adult. The other from a peer (friend, classmate or teammate). These recommendations must be included with your packet. Late letters of recommendation and additional letters of recommendation will not be considered.
  • An official or unofficial high school transcript.

Do I need to include my ACT and SAT scores?

Senator Brown’s office will obtain test scores directly from the academies because we can quickly access your most recent scores. However, if you wish to send us the results, you may do so at any time or you may ask the testing company to send results. Senator Brown’s SAT code is 1333 and his ACT code is 7170.

Must I meet certain medical requirements to receive a nomination?

A service academy medical examination must be passed before a candidate can receive an appointment. The examination is scheduled by the Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DODMERB). Please carefully review the medical information on the academy websites and contact the academies directly if you have any questions or concerns about disqualifying medical conditions.

How is a candidate selected for a nomination?

Prior to applying for a nomination from Senator Brown, please contact your academy or academies of choice to start the application process. Each academy will apprise you of any special physical, medical or academic requirements specific to that institution.
Each Member of Congress and U.S. Senator may have no more than five appointees in each of the service academies. Senator Brown uses the competitive process which permits him to nominate ten students for each appointment available. A nomination does not guarantee acceptance to a service academy. The Academy's Admissions Board ultimately decides who receives an appointment. You are encouraged to also seek a nomination from as many sources as possible, including the Vice-President, Senator Portman and your Member of Congress, and for certain candidates, the President.
Senator Brown will appoint a Service Academy Selection Advisory Committee which will be comprised of volunteers who are former and active members of the military and/or local community leaders. All applications will be reviewed to determine which students are most qualified for consideration. Those students who are deemed "highly- qualified" will be interviewed by Advisory Committee members or their designees. Those who receive nominations will be notified by mail before January 31, 2013.