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01/08/2013 06:00 PM

Congressman Reed Sworn-In For A Second Term

Days after taking the oath in Washington, Congressman Tom Reed was sworn in for a second term Tuesday in a Chautauqua County ceremony. YNN's Mark Goshgarian spoke with Reed about his legislative agenda for the year ahead.

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MAYVILLE, N.Y. — "That I will well faithfully discharge, the duties of the office, upon which I'm about to enter, so help me God," said Rep. Tom Reed, (R) 23rd Congressional District.

Representing the newly formed 23rd Congressional District, Tom Reed was sworn into office Tuesday at the Chautauqua County Courthouse in Mayville.

"It's a great moment, anytime we do a swearing in, its a moment to give thanks, and to really absorb the moment in time," said Reed.

The Corning Republican outlined his priorities and legislative agenda, with job creation at the top of the list.

"Jobs solve so many issues. We have a debt crisis that we face, our entitlements, 2024 is when Medicare is projected to go bankrupt, we have to reform them to save them," said Reed.

"I think that's where our Congressman Tom Reed really shines, rolling up his sleeves, doing the people's work, with the people, not in some office in some building in Washington, but right here on the streets and the main streets and the rural areas of Chautauqua County," said Greg Edwards, (R) Chautauqua County.

Reed is currently serving his third year in office. Yet despite his lack of seniority in Washington, he has gained bipartisan support from Chautauqua County's opposing Democratic Party.

"Right up until the time it's time to run a candidate. People always deserve an opportunity to make a decision as to who their elected official is, and as soon as Election Day is over it's time for all of us to get behind whoever is elected," said Norman Green, Democratic Party Chairman.

As part of his promise to be more accessible to the people he represents, Reed will hold four town hall meetings this weekend: three in Chautauqua County in Silver Creek, Westfield and Frewsburg and one in Olean, Cattaraugus County.