Senate Democrats


Official statements and press releases. Updates are provided by Democratic senators and staff.

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Press Releases

Reid Statement On Unprecedented Republican Filibuster Of Hagel Nomination

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement after Senate Republicans blocked the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel to be Defense Secretary from receiving an up-or-down vote, continuing the first-ever filibuster of a Defense Secretary nominee. The vote was 58-40 with one Senator voting present: “In a time of war and threats…


Reid Statement On Republicans Mounting Full-Scale Filibuster Of Hagel Nomination

“Senate Republicans have made it clear they intend to mount a full-scale filibuster, and block the Senate from holding a final passage vote on Senator Hagel’s nomination.” Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement after being informed by Republican leadership that they would mount a full-scale filibuster and block Senator Hagel’s…


Reid Statement On Cybersecurity Executive Order

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued the following statement on President Obama’s Cybersecurity Executive Order: “I applaud the President for taking decisive action to improve our nation’s defenses against cyber attacks. The President’s new Executive Order will significantly advance cybersecurity in the networks of our nation’s critical infrastructure, and will facilitate more…


Reid Floor Remarks On The State Of The Union Address

“The President’s agenda calls for common-sense investments in our future – investments that will breathe new life into a struggling middle class.” “But our efforts to restore prosperity will mean little unless Congress acts immediately to deal with arbitrary, across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect next month.” “Later this week, Democrats will introduce a…


Reid Statement On State Of The Union Address

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement after President Barack Obama concluded his fifth State of the Union Address: “President Obama delivered a clear vision for strengthening the middle class and creating a foundation for long-term growth. The President outlined an agenda in which fairness is not just a principle for…


Reid Announces Updated Committee Assignments For The 113Th Congress

Washington, D.C. – Following approval by the Democratic Steering Committee, the Senate approved updated committee assignments for Democratic senators in the 113th Congress. A list of the updated assignments is below. Updated Committee Democratic Assignments for the 113th Congress (New members in italics) COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY: Ms. Stabenow (Chairman), Mr. Leahy, Mr.…


Reid Floor Remarks On State Of The Union Address

“Although the economy is not back to full strength and there are still too many Americans out of work, we have made solid progress in the last four years.” “We must build on this progress, fostering a lasting recovery that ensures Americans’ successes are determined by the strength of their will and not the size…


Reid Statement On Postmaster General’s Announcement To Suspend Saturday Mail Delivery

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid issued the following statement after the United States Postmaster General made the decision to suspend mail delivery on Saturdays: “While I question the legality of the Postmaster General’s decision to suspend Saturday mail delivery, this unfortunate scenario could have been wholly prevented if the House had passed the Senate’s bipartisan…


Reid Floor Remarks On The Violence Against Women Act

“It is time for [House] Republican leaders to stop talking about how much they care about women, and start acting to protect women.” “Every day House Republicans stall, another three women will die at the hands of their abusers.” Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today about the…


Reid Floor Remarks On The Reauthorization Of The Violence Against Women Act

“Despite the overwhelming evidence that [the Violence Against Women Act] saves lives and protects women, House Republicans used every procedural trick in the book to block its reauthorization last Congress.” “Allowing partisan delays to put women’s lives at risk is simply shameful.” “Full reauthorization of the law is necessary to ensure authorities have all the…
