Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson


U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson is the senior senator from the state of Florida.

Florida/ Washington, D.C. ·

  1. Let’s pause a moment tomorrow to honor the quarter of a million people who died in the Haiti earthquake three years ago.

  2. Today, as Alan Gross begins his 4th year in a Cuba prison, we renew demands that Castro regime release him immediately and unconditionally.

  3. ... outraged by reports of the Castro regime’s arrests of Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez and other dissidents.

  4. The murders in Libya have the markings of revenge by al Qaeda for the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi, the terrorists group’s number two leader.

  5. When Sally Ride launched, the whole nation lifted her up on a chorus of “Ride, Sally, Ride.” She will be missed.

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