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    Google's Schmidt to Visit North Korea

    Google's Eric Schmidt is preparing to travel to North Korea on a private trip led by former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson that could take place as early as this month.

What’s News —

Business & Finance

Year-End Review & Outlook

  • [image]

    Congress Passes Cliff Deal

    Congress broke a rancorous stalemate to pass legislation designed to avert the fiscal cliff. But the bill, which blocked most impending tax increases and postponed spending cuts largely by raising taxes on upper-income Americans, left a host of issues unresolved.

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    Ceiling Could Drop on Cliff Celebration


Property Report



Auto Industry

Market Data Center

How to Read this Chart

  • High
  • Current price, up from close
  • Price at prior day's close
  • Current price, down from close
  • Low


  • [image]

    Close Shave for Asteroid

    Asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass very close to Earth—much, much closer than the moon—on Feb. 15. Its path won't lead to a collision with Earth, but it will pass close to a ring of orbiting satellites.

  • [image]Reuters

    Asia in Pictures

    People celebrate the new year in Asia, a fire breaks out in a Chinese factory, a bomb blast hits a Pakistani city, and more.

  • [image]Getty Images

    Thirteen People to Watch in 2013

    A look at the politicians, regulators and business people who will be leading the news in the coming year.

  • [image]AP

    New Year's Eve Around the World

    People all over the world prepared for New Year's Eve celebrations Monday.

  • [image]Viacom 18

    Best of Bollywood in 2012

    In pictures, a selection of the most talked about Bollywood films in 2012.

  • [image]REUTERS

    Best Business Photos of 2012

    From the iPhone 5's launch to a deadly factory fire in Bangladesh, business news in 2012 offered opportunities for strong photography. Take a look back at some of the best images.

  • [image]Associated Press

    India in Pictures: 2012

    Some of the best photos of 2012.

Heard on the Street

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    Time for BofA to Bid Warren Buffett Adieu?

    The benefit of bringing Warren Buffett on board in 2011 was questionable for BofA shareholders. Buying him out now would be yet another step in cleaning up the balance sheet.

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    China Reform: Be Careful What You Wish For

    China's push to boost household income while raising taxes on state companies will help growth in the medium term, but there is a short-term price to be paid.

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    Japan's Lesson for Modern Financial Alchemists

    There are no free lunches when very cheap money boosts financial markets. For U.S. investors, look at the currency impact on Japanese investments.