

debtlimitusadebtlimitusa·1 video
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Uploaded on Nov 4, 2011

A satirical short film taking a look at the national debt and how it applies to just one family. Watch the guy from the Sprint Ads, Ferris Bueller Superbowl Spot and plays Arwin! (also in the upcoming film PAIN AND GAIN) Produced by Seth William Meier, DP/Edited by Craig Evans, 1st AC Brian Andrews, Sound Mixer Gus Salazar, Written and Directed by Brian Stepanek. Help us spread the word by clicking ads or at www.debtlimitusa.org.

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  • penguinistas

    Obama added over 5 trillion in debt in under 4 years which is far more than Bush did in 8 years.

    · 19

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    in reply to Bruce McCoy (Show the comment)
  • JoeCensored

    Wow, some people have such short memories. Bush came into office immediately following the crash of the ".com bubble." Clinton left the economy in a complete mess, with a recession, that Bush had to clean up. The big difference is Bush actually cleaned it up quickly, so didn't need to blame Clinton for the next 8 years.

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    in reply to FURYCHAOS184 (Show the comment)

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  • NinjaRem09

    If at least the system was real, all thos economy "crashes" are man made by the banker...


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    in reply to JoeCensored (Show the comment)
  • maxnav12

    That's only because revenue decreased dramatically because of the recession. If you look at spending, Obama hasn't actually spent much more than any previous administration.


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    in reply to penguinistas (Show the comment)
  • JoeCensored

    We got a dive in the Nasdaq that over a decade later we still haven't rebounded from, plus two quarters of negative growth in 2001 out of it. Calling it just a "slight fall in economic growth" is a flat out lie at best.


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    in reply to FURYCHAOS184 (Show the comment)

    You do realise that it was the collapse of the housing and financial bubble that caused the recession right? You know, the one pumped up by Greenspan with his low interest rates and Bush's deregulation of the financial industry. This in addition to deficits both on and off the balance sheet caused by massive tax cuts for the wealthy, an unfunded prescription drug programme and two wars. None of which had anything to do with Democrats.


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    in reply to penguinistas (Show the comment)
  • CBProductshuns

    When more individuals live off of the government, the less incentive or need they will have to balance their own personal budgets. Thus, many do not understand and do not care to understand this issue which has become the greatest threat to our national security.


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  • chocolateninja90

    @jlaws its was blatantly an illegal war.there was no such thing as WMD.it was all to do with oil.Saddam wanted to trade oil for gold instead of dollars which devalues the dollar and worsens the economy.iraq now coincidentally have 1 of the worlds largest oil reserves.with foreign companies operating and stealing their oil.don't believe the bull that your government tells you.do research on independent orgs.


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  • penguinistas

    Perhaps I should point out that Democrats were firmly in control of both the house and senate for the last 2 years of Bush's presidency from 2006 to 2008 when the market crashed (and subsequent folly).

    And, I should remind you that Congress writes the budgets, not the President. The President's power is limited to a veto, so any recession Obama inherited was handed to him by the Democrat controlled congress.


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    in reply to FURYCHAOS184 (Show the comment)
  • Random Man

    let's raise taxes across the board and cut all entitlements

    who cares about entering a double dip recession? Obviously our priority should be mangling our budget until it fits within an arbitrary, self-imposed debt limit.


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