HARRIS, Fred Roy, (1930 - )

Senate Years of Service: 1964-1973
Party: Democrat

HARRIS, Fred Roy, a Senator from Oklahoma; born in Walters, Cotton County, Okla., November 13, 1930; attended the public schools; graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1952 and from the law school in 1954; admitted to the bar in 1954 and began to practice law in Lawton, Okla.; member, State senate 1956-1964; unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate in 1962; elected in a special election on November 3,1964, as a Democrat to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Robert S. Kerr for the term ending January 3, 1967; reelected in 1966 and served from November 4, 1964, to January 2, 1973; was not a candidate for reelection in 1972; unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1976; professor of political science, University of New Mexico; author; is a resident of Corrales, N.Mex.


Harris, Fred. Does People Do It? A Memoir. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2008; Harris, Fred. Deadlock or Decision: The U.S. Senate and the Rise of National Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993; Harris, Fred. Potomac Fever. New York: W.W. Norton, 1977.