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Puerto Rico

State and Community Programs and Services

Health Services

Besides the services offered by the San Juan Health Department at Centro MAfA!s Salud Hoare and San Juan City Hospital, the Municipality of San Juan will bring to Fort Buchanan its Mobile Units for early detection clinics on: Lipid detection clinic, Glucose detection, Mammography study, Prostate exam, HIV tests, Eyes examination and Dental care free of charge for Soldiers and their families. At the signing of the Army Community Covenant the Mayor of San Juan, Honorable Jorge A. Santini Padilla indicated that they will begin with an early detection clinic for breast cancer using the mobile medical unit to conduct mammography studies. The initiative will be worked in conjunction with Rodriguez Army Health Clinic.

Office of Veterans Affairs

The Municipality of San Juan will support Community Based Health Care Organization (CBHCO), originally Medical Hold Soldiers, in finding and retaining jobs through linkages and coordination with state and local service programs and also with organizations such as the Disabled Veterans. San Juan Health Department also offers an increased level of health care both mental and physical through preventive health workshops. They also coordinate with other services or agencies through Case Management Services with the purpose of restoring the capability of the disabled Veteran to the greatest extent possible and to improve their quality of life and that of their Families through the Disabled Service Program. San Juan also coordinates business development and employment assistance with the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program to expand the number of self-employed service-disabled Veterans.


San Juan University College offers to Veterans are aware of the tuition assistance for select business development courses through the GI Bill. GI Bill Law offers total payment of registration to qualified Veterans and their families. Municipal Ordinance #21, 2005-06 provides 50% discount to the dependents and spouses of soldiers killed in action, missing in action or prisoners of war. Law 203 (Veterans' Bill of Rights) establishes 50% discount in the registration fees of veterans, spouses and dependants who do not qualify to receive services through the Veterans Administration.


The Economic Development Program provides employment training, recruiting and technical assistance to start a business; grants to start up the business and assistance up to 2 years; and training at the Center for Entrepreneurial Development.

Use of Sports and Recreation Facilities

Military families living in San Juan can access various programs at the following sport sites: Natatorium, Gymnastics, Central Park, Golf, and Fishing. This initiative includes special discounts at sports and recreational events held at the Roberto Clemente Coliseum.

Military Spouse Residency Relief Act

On November 11, 2009, the President signed into law the Military Spouse Residency Relief Act. This Act, among other things, provides that when a service member leaves his or her home State in accord with military or naval orders, the service member's spouse may retain residency in his or her home State for voting and tax purposes, after relocating from that State to accompany the service member. In the State of Puerto Rico an exemption from Puerto Rico withholding tax may be claimed if an employees spouse is a member of the US Armed Services and their state of legal residence is not Puerto Rico. For more information visit