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January 14, 2013: Simplifying the Tax Code

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Simplifying the Tax Code

In its annual report to Congress, the IRS’ Office of Taxpayer Advocate found that nine out of ten Americans rely on outside services to prepare tax returns and spend more than 6.1 billion hours to complete their tax filings. That’s because our tax system is filled with deductions, credits, and exemptions that complicate how families and businesses can report their income and calculate their tax responsibility.  Some of these tax policies are meant to advance social goals, rather than simply collect revenue.  It’s clear our tax system has become inefficient; it wastes time and resources in our economy and in America’s small businesses. I believe the solution is to overhaul the tax code by reducing the exemptions, credits, and deductions that make our system so complicated. I am glad the report advises an overhaul of the tax code and I’ll work to create a simpler, fairer system for taxpayers.

Debt Ceiling Debate

Sometime next month, Congress will be faced with another decision to raise the debt ceiling. Before I would even consider voting to increase the debt ceiling, I must see significant and immediate spending cuts that put us on the path toward fiscal solvency. We must make the tough decisions to cut government spending.  Our debt is already larger than the entire U.S. economy and it continues to grow every second. Cutting spending is the only way to stop the cycle of taxing, spending and borrowing, which will severely limit the opportunities for future generations.

Earlier today, President Obama said that we must raise the debt ceiling so that the government can continue to pay its bills. However, these “bills” that he is referring to are the direct result of runaway stimulus and entitlement spending that he signed into law. It’s time President Obama and Senate Democrats realize that the only way to get out of our debt problem is by dramatically changing the spending attitude in Washington and reducing our debt so our children and grandchildren do not have to worry about their future in this country.

RSC Appointment

I am a member of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group of House Republicans that works to advocate a conservative and small-government agenda in the House of Representatives. Chairman Steve Scalise announced the RSC task force chairs last week, and I was honored to be named the Financial Services Working Group Chair. For the 19th District of Texas, this means that I will be able to advocate for the issues that are important to West Texans, like mortgage lending practices, and regulations that affect how you bank. I look forward to working with my colleagues to help shape policy and develop solutions that will get Americans back to work and get our economy back on a sustainable path. Visit the RSC website to learn more.

Action Item of the Week

This afternoon, I met with college students from Abilene Christian University on the Capitol steps. Visiting Washington, DC as a college student is a wonderful and educational experience for every student and gives each one a chance to see and absorb our nation’s history. If you are interested in touring our nation’s capital, my Washington, DC office can accommodate you. Please call (202) 225-4005 or find additional contact information on my website.