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January 7, 2013: Beginning the 113th Congress

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

Beginning the 113th Congress

Last week, as I was being sworn in as a Member of Congress for the 113th session, I was once again thankful for the honor and privilege I have to represent you in the “People’s House.” I understand the frustration that many Americans have with Washington right now and I share that frustration. I will continue to keep my promise to you to always vote for what I believe is in the best interest of West Texas and our country.

I will serve on three committees in the new session of Congress: the House Financial Services Committee, the House Agriculture committee, and the House Science, Space and Technology Committee. As a senior member on the House Agriculture Committee, I look forward to continuing to work on passing a five-year Farm Bill for farmers and ranchers who need sound, long-term policy. On the Financial Services committee, I will chair the Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity, and seek ways to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in federal housing programs.

It’s time for Congress to roll up its sleeves and get to work. We will face many obstacles this spring, including the debt ceiling debate, final appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013 and a new budget resolution for Fiscal Year 2014.  As we work together toward a better future, I encourage you to stay in touch and let me know how you feel about issues and policy that come to the House Floor. Visit my website at randy.house.gov to find the best ways to contact my office.

District Events This Week

This week, I am traveling throughout the district. Tomorrow I will speak with the South Plains Association of Governments in Lubbock and discuss upcoming legislation with its members. I head to Castro County on Wednesday to meet with community and business leaders to talk about the issues that face their community and how they should be addressed. I will finish the week in Scurry County, a new county in the 19th District, and then head back to Lubbock, where I hope and pray we receive some rain this week.

Gun Rights and the 2nd Amendment

Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, there has been a lot of discussion about how we can keep our citizens safer. While I agree it is fine to have conversations about our current policies to see if anything simple can be done to prevent events like Sandy Hook from happening, the discussion cannot become one about whether or not the federal government should ban guns. The second amendment of the U.S. Constitution already has an answer to that argument: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

The sad and unfortunate reality is that some people are going to do bad things, no matter which laws are in place. However, law-abiding citizens should not be punished because a few people make bad decisions. I assure you that I will continue to be a strong supporter of the second amendment, and work to ensure that your constitutional rights to protect yourself and your family are not infringed by the government.

The Red Cross’ National Blood Donation Month

According to the Red Cross, one pint of donated blood can save up to three lives. Blood is always needed in hospitals, clinics, ambulances, and emergency rooms throughout the country. This month during National Blood Donation Month, I hope you will consider donating blood to help those in need. It is acts of community charity and generosity that promote the well-being of every city. Visit the Red Cross website to learn more and find a donation location in your area.