Randy Neugebauer

Randy Neugebauer


I represent the 19th District of Texas, which stretches across 27 counties and includes the cities of Abilene, Big Spring, and Lubbock.


  1. Next Wednesday, the House will vote on a plan that requires the House and Senate to pass a budget, or they won't get paid.

  2. Before we increase the debt limit long-term we need to control our spending. If Congress can't budget, we shouldn't get paid.

  3. My staff is hosting office hours in communities around the 19th district next week. See if they'll be in your town:

  4. 16 trillion dollar bills (the amount of the US debt) would carpet the entire states of FL, DE, and RI. out-of-control spending

  5. I'm following the heartbreaking news from Newtown, CT. Dana & I are praying for the children & families affected by this senseless violence.

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