
This is Small Business America

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Published on Nov 30, 2012

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) released "This is Small Business America," a video highlighting the small business S corporations like Gorski Engineering and its 17 employees whose taxes stand to increase if President Obama's tax hike goes into effect.

November 30, 2012 | Office of the Majority Whip

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  • SneakySockPuppet

    I honestly have no idea what your response means.


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  • migraine516

    Yeap. Tax it.


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  • whoo689

    are probably at least 2-3 MILLION

    25k out of 3 million? Not a whole lot. Sure, every bit counts but come on


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  • whoo689

    The only people in our low-tax system who will BENEFIT ENOUGH TO REALLY "BE ABLE TO INVEST A LOT" and create HUGE NEW WEALTH from tax cuts... ARE PRECISELY THE ONES WHO ALREADY WERE WEALTHY TO BEGIN WITH! so... Why didn't they INVEST A LOT beforehand?? With all that money they ALREADY HAD

    I mean, a guy whose profits are only 250k getting a tax cut of, say, 5% or 10%. That's only an extra 25k, at best. And considering the PROFIT is 250k, his OVERALL REVENUES, even for a low-margin industry


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  • whoo689

    The real issue is ELASTICITY (a well-known economic term). In other words, how much economic activity is "boosted" or "reduced" DEPENDS LARGELY ON WHAT PRODUCT OR SERVICE IS TAXED AND HOW MUCH! It's all about PROPORTION, really. It's not a given that, "If you tax Product A, we'll lose such-and-such amount of wealth by default." It DEPENDS

    But, of course, Republicans, being the mental slobs they are, DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT! They don't WANT to make the effort to actually look it up.


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  • whoo689

    This is simply a REPUBLICAN TAUTOLOGY, nothing more or less. But REAL STUDIES (including one featured in NYT not too long) show that TAX CUTS DON'T CREATE MUCH GROWTH IN AND OF THEMSELVES! How COULD they?? Growth can only happen when there's SUFFICIENT DEMAND FOR YOUR PRODUCTS, and people can afford em. You're not gonna just INVEST A BUNCH OF MONEY INTO A POINTLESS ENTERPRISE and HOPE that people will eventually "see the light", right?


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  • whoo689

    But there's no IMMUTABLE ECONOMIC LAW that says that, "Increasing taxes just a little on the higher-income folks will kill economic growth or stifle activity." NONE

    They forget THE HUMAN ASPECT of this. We're not robots, after all. No one is REQUIRED biologically to "cut jobs" just b/c of a little increase in cost. They can, I dunno, MAYBE THINK OF ALL THE OTHER POSSIBLE WAYS TO DO IT FIRST? Or just BE HAPPY W/ THE MASSIVE PROFITS THEY ALREADY GOT?? And stop fretting


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  • whoo689

    But a co. that makes, say, 500k, or 2 million IN PROFITS complaining about an extra 4.6%?? That doesn't sound legit! Sounds like crybaby nonsense... Am I REALLY to believe that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING BUSINESS OWNER IS A REPUBLICAN DOUCHEBAG WHO WILL JUST WHOLESALE CUT JOBS WHENEVER HIS COSTS GO UP EVEN A LITTLE??

    I mean, THAT'S really the assumption that these anti-tax people make when they say it'll "kill the goose that lays the golden egg" or whatever.


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  • whoo689

    All the rich folks and their shills who KEEP SAYING THAT are the ones IN CONTROL of said "growth", to a large extent. THEY RUN THE COMPANIES! No one's putting a gun to their head saying, "You MUST kill jobs to pay for this tax increase." THEY ultimately can decide how to cut costs or what to do, if need be. Or... they can just FUCKING RELAX FOR A SECOND AND STOP BEING SO GODDAMN WORRIED ALL THE TIME

    I mean, if it's a SMALLER co. that's in real financial trouble, I can understand


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  • whoo689

    still has plenty of after-tax money to afford the employees

    I mean, I'm not arguing for ANYTHING CLOSE to a 90% or 99% rate. Probably not even 50%! Maybe 45-49% tops, ideally. Perhaps not 250k but 500k or $1 Million would be better?

    And that would somehow "kill growth"? Pfft


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