Jim Gerlach

Jim Gerlach


Proudly serving the great people of PA's 6th District. Thanks for visiting our legislative page.

Chester Springs, PA · http://www.gerlach.house.gov

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  1. Choice between letting $4.6 trillion tax hike stand or repealing it and making lower rates permanent for 99%

  2. Still hope to avert worst of to protect as many families as we can from tax hikes. Sadly, Democrats want more taxes & spending

  3. Will be speaking on House floor shortly about a plan to curb $48B per year in improper Medicare payments

  4. So far, 47% say it would be better to go over fiscal cliff than fail to pass true spending reforms. Have your say here

  5. House GOP passed legislation to stop the tax hike on all Americans 4 months ago, where has the been?

  6. Time 4 president to stop toying around & work with us to protect jobs. Will discuss with Gary R'Nel on soon.

  7. We will always remember the extraordinary service of our 22 million veterans and the sacrifices of their families

  8. Coatesville VA hosts Vietnam Traveling Wall thru Mon. Appreciate chance to thank all our vets for their service.

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