Tuesday, December 11, 2012

YouTube Welcome Guide - Be Successful on YouTube

We are always looking for ways to help you create great quality content and take your channel to the next level. With this in mind we created a series of videos called the YouTube Welcome Guide that can guide you through the fundamentals of setting up a successful channel.

The YouTube Welcome Guide has all the answers for you! Simply watch these 6 short videos and be on top of everything. We want you to be an active and engaging member of our growing community. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a successful creator.

Vasiliki Kanistra, YouTube Partner Communication Specialist, recently watched: “You in Greece (English)

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Improved YouTube is Here

We are excited to announce an improved YouTube, one you helped us build! The new site design will help you build a bigger, more connected audience by improving new channel discovery, simplifying subscriptions, and keeping your fans plugged in and aware of your new videos no matter where they are. Click here to learn more.

So, what does this improved YouTube mean for you as a creator?  

Here are the key changes:
  • The subscription Guide is now everywhere, and it showcases your channel activity to your fans
  • All the video information and engagement are consolidated below the video player, helping your video take center stage on the viewing page

  • We are making it easier to subscribe with enhanced channel recommendations.  

Check out this one-pager for more information.

Your feedback matters

We know change isn’t easy, so we don’t take it lightly. Our experiments show that the new design drives subscriptions and keeps fans better connected to their favorite content.  We’ll be hosting a Google+ Hangout
on Air as well as a Reddit IAmA to answer any questions you may have.  Stay tuned for more information.

Let’s keep building the future of video together.  

Alandha Scott, Content Creator Communications Lead, recently watched "Written By A Kid - the tale of a paper, panty-clad horse in ‘La Munkya

Thursday, December 6, 2012

YouTube Creator Playbook and Creator Hub: fresher, bolder and live on the web

The new YouTube Creator Playbook, your definitive resource for building an audience on YouTube, is now live, both on the web and available for download. Check it out and bookmark youtube.com/playbook.

Since we released the second edition of the Creator Playbook in February 2012, much has changed in the world of YouTube. This new version provides fresh tips and strategies to help creators grow their audiences. It includes brand new sections to address YouTube’s recent focus on watchtime, such as how to captivate your audience and how to create the best channel experience for your viewers. The latest edition also highlights new tools like paid promotion, Hangouts on Air and InVideo programming to help you reach the widest audience possible.

And what’s YouTube without video? On the Creator Playbook site, we’re featuring great new video examples from inspiring creators who are finding creative ways to use YouTube. So go ahead and check it out - share it with other creators. And most of all, let us know what you think so that we can continue to make this the best resource for you!

We’ve also completely rebuilt, refreshed and revamped the YouTube Creator Hub, which is chock full of resources and tools to help you build larger audiences, improve your skills and make more money. On the new Creator Hub, you’ll be able to:
· Stay up to date on the latest feature announcements with our new bi-weekly Product Bulletin
· Learn from other creators via video tutorials
· Find new opportunities to join programmes for emerging channels

We’ll continue to keep both the Creator Playbook and Creator Hubs updated, so keep them bookmarked, and remember to follow us on Google+.

Lauren Vilders, Audience Development Coordinator, recently watched “You need to toughen up a bit

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Coming soon: Link your channel with a Google+ page (and keep your channel name)

Over the past several months we’ve been giving YouTube users the ability to change how they appear on YouTube, by using their Google+ profile on their YouTube channel.  Well-known creators such as Michael Buckley, Philip DeFranco, Kina Grannis and Felipe Neto have chosen to use their Google name as their identity on YouTube, by linking their Google+ profile with their Channel. This has helped them access engagement and social features like Hangouts on Air.

You may have seen a prompt like the one below inviting you to use your Google identity on YouTube. If you haven’t, you can opt in right now using your account settings.

Or you can keep your channel name!

While using a full name from a Google+ profile might work well for a creator who wants to build their brand as an individual, this simply doesn’t work if you don’t want a full name on your channel.  If you run a channel with a name like BlueXephos or VlogBrothers, you should create a Google+ page (as opposed to a profile) with that name.

In the coming weeks we’ll launch the option to link your channel with a Google+ page, which will allow you to use your channel name (even with spaces in it!) as your Google identity.  And yes, the advanced Google+ page management features that enable up to 50 people manage a single Google+ page, or a single person to manage up to 50 Google+ pages, will also work for channels that are linked with Google+ pages.

We’ve been beta testing this option with some channels such as Google Analytics and YouTube Creators, and we’re planning to make this feature available to all creators in the coming weeks.

Why should creators use a Google identity?

If you unify your YouTube identity with Google+, it will be easier for your audience to find and connect with you on YouTube, Google and across the web, and it will help you build your brand across all of Google’s products.  We’re also continually developing new engagement features like Hangouts on Air that take advantage of the best that both YouTube and Google+ have to offer.

David Boyle, recently watched MEERKATS 3D

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Channelisation of YouTube: how you can build a cohesive channel experience

This blog post is part of an ongoing series that shares tips from theYouTube Creator Playbook. The Playbook is YouTube’s official resource of best practices for audience development.

You’ve heard about the channel-isation of YouTube. Success is no longer just about getting a one-off viral hit. Now, more than ever, to be successful on YouTube, you need to think about how to create a cohesive channel experience for your audience. You have to take on the role of channel programmer. This means really investing time into your channel, and building your subscriber base. Why? The numbers speak for themselves: subscribers watch nearly twice as long as non-subscribers. In other words, your subscribers are your fan base.  

Here’s a few things you can do to develop your channel:

1. Promote your channel! Remember, your audience doesn’t know about your channel and all the great content that’s there unless you let them know! So, go ahead and message this out to your audience: invite your viewers to have a look at your channel through a call to action in the video’s introduction, or a branded end-card. Also, if you haven’t spent time with the new Invideo programming feature, go and have a look. This new, easy to use feature is a great way to reinforce channel branding across all videos in your library and drive your audience to all your other content.

Another easy way to promote your channel is through your videos’ metadata description. In addition to context around the specific, individual video, add a brief snippet about your channel and provide links to the channel page, as well as programmed playlists.  

2. Make playlists a key piece of your channel strategy. Playlists create a programmed, extended viewing experience for your audience, and they’re also a great way to increase watch-time.

Use playlists to programme your channel -  separate shows into different playlists, or group content around similar themes or tent-pole events. You can use the ‘start and end time’ feature to set in and out points for all the videos you curate into playlists. And, if you want to go the extra mile, consider creating and optimising hosted playlists. Hosted playlists have intros and/or interstitial content to provide context in between videos. Once you have your playlists all ready to go, publish full playlists to your subscribers through the channel post feature.

3. Programme the channel feed. Think of your channel’s activity feed as the your main line of communication with your subscribers. Make sure your feed is active so that your audience keeps coming back for more. When you add a video to a playlist, like or comment on a video, it appears in the feed for your subscribers to see. So, mix up your own uploads with curated content, and be a tastemaker for your audience.

All of the content you upload and promote through the activity feeds collectively tells your audience a story about your channel and what it stands for. Make it count - tell a strong, interesting one!

Those are just a few quick tips to help you start thinking about your channel strategy. As we roll out new features, we’ll be sure to let you know how you can use them to make the most out of your channel.

Lauren Vilders, Audience Development Coordinator, recently watched “Shaun Sperling Bar Mitzvah Dance - Madonna, Vogue - 3/14/92

Monday, November 26, 2012

Meet ItsRaphaBlueBerry, November’s YouTube Partner Success Story!

We have loads of partners across Europe that are taking advantage of the YouTube Partner Program, and becoming highly successful on YouTube. We've asked some of these partners to share their experience on YouTube and within the program, and shed light on how to best utilize the platform. This month featured partner is ItsRaphaBlueBerry, please read on for his story and best practices!

Please tell us a bit about yourself. What is your name, your channel name? Where are you from, your fanbase?

My name is Rafael, I live in London, England but I was born in a Portuguese family. My YouTube channel is ItsRaphaBlueBerry, I make cooking videos and comedic vlogs. The majority of my viewers are from the US and UK.

Please tell us how it all started. How and when did you start creating videos? When did you decide to be active on YouTube and become a partner? What was your first video on YouTube?

I started uploading videos on my channel in 2010 using a low quality webcam and a really basic editing program. I was very inspired by other YouTubers and their success stories and I really enjoyed video making.

My first uploads didn't have many views but I was having fun so I just kept doing it regularly. Eventually people started watching and I finally felt like I had an audience - that's when I applied for the Partnership Program.

Please explain your channel. What's the story behind your channel? How did you come up with your channel concept?

When I first started uploading on my channel I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. I uploaded many vlogs just sharing my life and opinions with my viewers and eventually I started receiving suggestions and video requests about specific topics. My first viewers definitely helped me shape and build my channel. Two years have passed and I couldn't be more pleased with my cooking tutorials and my random comedic vlogs.

YouTube Partnership:
Please share your experience of being a YouTube partner. How has being a YouTube partner helped/changed your business and personal life? Were there any surprises? What are your plans for the future of your channel and YouTube partnership?

Becoming a YouTube partner had an enormous impact on my business and personal life. It helped realise that I could be part of the entertainment industry and build my own audience using this amazing platform. I used to be a dental school student but I've decided to follow my real passion and explore the world of media and communication. I'm excited to see what the future holds.

How do you define success? How did you become successful on YouTube? What were your goals for your channel, and how did you achieve them? What would you recommend to newbie partners to be successful on YouTube?

I think I felt successful on YouTube when I realised I had an audience, a group of loyal viewers who look forward for my next creations. It's great knowing that there's someone who enjoys watching your videos. I would recommend everyone to use all the tools properly and have fun while making their videos. Don't over think how many views you get, just keep doing it and surprise your subscribers with new content regularly.

Creative inspiration:
Please tell us what inspires you. Do you have a particular creative aesthetic? Are there other YouTube channels you watch, creators you admire?

I usually get inspired when I get in touch with my viewers. Reading e-mails, comments and seeing their reactions to my uploads makes me want to create more often and surprise them with new content. I always carry a notepad with me and when I have an idea for a video, I write it down. There are many creators I admire such as FoodWishes, LauraVitalesKitchen or JoeyGraceffa.

Key Takeaways:
Anything you want the YouTube audience to know about you, your channel, or being a YouTube Partner?

I genuinely have fun making my videos, that's why I started in first place. If you're interested in baking or you just want to watch one of my comedic vlogs feel free to visit my channel. My videos are happy and colourful and I hope you have a good time watching them.

ItsRaphaBlueBerry, YouTube Partner, recently watched “A Song for Music (Original)

Friday, November 23, 2012

YouTube Space London opens its doors to Non-Profits

A few months ago, YouTube Space London opened its doors to creators. Since then, tons of creators have come to the space to learn from industry experts, share ideas with each other and create amazing videos.

We are now welcoming non-profit organizations as well. If your non-profit is part of the YouTube Charities program in the UK, you're welcome to use the YouTube Space with all its equipment and professional facilities, whether it’s the recording studio, the sound stage, or our editing equipment.

Whether you are looking for the equipment to edit your video report or you want to give an update on the status of a particular campaign to your supporters, the YouTube Space could be the place for you. To book a spot, please fill in this form in advance. If you are not yet part of the YouTube Charities program, you can review the requirements and apply here.

We look forward to welcoming you to the YouTube Space London soon!

Anna Gradil, YouTube Partner Manager, recently watched Video Revolution 2.0 (YouTube Statistics 2012)