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Who Owns DFTBA? An Introduction to Trademarks

181,265 views 1 day ago
In which John discusses the increasingly widespread use by large corporations of the phrases "DFTBA" and "Don't forget to be awesome," and discusses why even though we COULD stop those uses by trademarking nerdfighter slogans, we aren't going to.

Nerdfighter merch: http://dftba.com
DFTBA scarf: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
DFTBA greeting cards: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
DFTBA spoon: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
Urban Outfitter's DFTBA rug: Yeah, like I'm going to link to that.
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In which John discusses the increasingly widespread use by large corporations of the phrases "DFTBA" and "Don't forget to be awesome," and discusses why even though we COULD stop those uses by trademarking nerdfighter slogans, we aren't going to.

Nerdfighter merch: http://dftba.com
DFTBA scarf: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
DFTBA greeting cards: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
DFTBA spoon: http://www.etsy.com/listing...
Urban Outfitter's DFTBA rug: Yeah, like I'm going to link to that. Show less

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