
Alexander Hamilton, the architect of America’s First National Bank, proved that a national debt, if not excessive, is a great advantage to a modern nation. A sustained economic recovery requires a source of credit which can be neither zombie banks nor the federal budget.

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The leading edge of anti-austerity agitation must be the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax. The social safety net and public sector must be maintained. When the reactionaries ask how this can be paid for, the answer is in every case to Make Wall Street Pay!

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Organizing Document

By Webster Tarpley, Oct 26, 2012

Over the next several months, the Wall Street ruling class and its controlled politicians in the Republican and Democratic parties will attempt to inflict a series of savage and brutal austerity measures on the American people – measures which will add up to the initiation of domestic genocide on an unprecedented scale. This will occur irrespective of whether Obama or Romney has won the November presidential election.

Twitter @fightausterity

Dr. W. Randy Short: The Bell Tolls for You!
Webster Tarpley – Address to the UFAA
Yanis Varoufakis - Address to the UFAA Public Assembly

Most Recent Content

With another showdown on the debt ceiling looming, President Obama has two choices: 1) Follow the dictates of the 14th Amendment as to the unquestioned validity of the public debt of the United States or 2) Face impeachment for failure to uphold his oath of office.

Posted Jan 12, 2013 Author: Bruce Marshall

Three members of the United Front Against Austerity delivered literature for the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax directly to staffers of Congressman Charlie Rangel’s Office today, and then proceeded to organize his constituents on the streets outside.

Posted Jan 11, 2013 Author: Adam Rodriguez

This very effective 3-minute video from Soul Shake Down calls for the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, set to inspiring monologues by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Webster Griffin Tarpley. Please share this!

Posted Jan 8, 2013 Author: admin

Rev Edward Pinkney is an organizer for economic and social justice in Benton Harbor, Michigan. In this wide-ranging discussion, Pinkney covers Michigan's emergency managers, his fight against the Whirlpool corporation, his experience as a political prisoner, and the need to fight as a United Front against fascism in America. Visit Rev Pinkney at http://www.bhbanco.org

Posted Jan 7, 2013 Author: Adam Rodriguez

The real disaster, had the so called "Farm Bill" not been extended until September 2013 by Congress, would have been the disruption of food assistance programs.

Posted Jan 6, 2013 Author: Bruce Marshall

On December 10, 2013, 3 Members of the New York Chapter of the United Front Against Austerity made a pointed and direct intervention into the National Nurses Union Rally held at 780 Third Avenue, which are the Manhattan office’s of U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Senator Charles “Chucky Boy” Schumer.

Posted Dec 11, 2012 Author: Adam Rodriguez

Lincoln, NE - Below-freezing weather did not stop local United Front Against Austerity (UFAA) supporters from pushing a 1%Wall Street Sales Tax as they joined dozens of workers, union representatives, and organized retired Americans to protest moves in Washington to cut the social safety net. Demonstrators were impressed with the idea of a Wall Street Sales Tax making “to-big-to-fail” bankers and hedge funds pay for the economic devastation they caused.

Posted Dec 11, 2012 Author: Dan Buhrdorf

Rockville MD, December 10 – Organizers from the Maryland United Front Against Austerity (UFAA) today brought the call for a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax to a trade union protest demonstration at the Rockville office of Congressman Chris Van Hollen, a Pelosi retainer and ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee. The Wall Street Sales Tax represents the only measure capable of stabilizing the US federal budget with trillions of new revenue from untaxed Wall Street banks and hedge funds, while avoiding deadly austerity cuts to the social safety net.

Posted Dec 10, 2012 Author: Webster Tarpley

Complete video archive (~6.5 hours) of the Oct 27, 2012 UFAA Public Assembly in New York City.

Posted Nov 14, 2012 Author: admin

Alexander Hamilton, the architect of America’s First National Bank, proved that a national debt, if not excessive, is a great advantage to a modern nation. A sustained economic recovery requires a source of credit which can be neither zombie banks nor the federal budget.

Posted Nov 1, 2012 Author: Webster Tarpley
