
Will the American Austerity Replace the American Dream

DJKucinichDJKucinich·264 videos
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Published on Nov 27, 2012

"Entitlement Reform 2012: Wealthy Americans are entitled to tax breaks. Corporations are entitled to billions in giveaways. Arms manufacturers are entitled to bigger contracts.

"The poor and the middle class? They're entitled to unemployment, underemployment, foreclosures, and cuts in both Social Security and Medicare.

"Poor and middle-class Americans know all about the fiscal cliff. They've been getting pushed off it for years with an unfair tax system, unconscionable trade deals and the Fed's monetary policies.

"Nearly 50 million people are in poverty in America, twelve million unemployed and millions more underemployed. On January 2, millions stand to lose unemployment benefits. Fourteen million American's mortgages are greater than the value of their homes. On the horizon loom massive cuts to essential services.

"Will the American austerity replace the American dream?

"We need to turn back from the fiscal cliff with wealth creation, education, job creation, infrastructure rebuilding, monetary reform, trade reform, protection of Social Security and Medicare.

"We need a Great Economic Revival, not another Great Depression."

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  • Joe Smith

    love this guy

    · 8

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  • sizzla123

    Menacing truth

    · 7

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  • Greg Watermann



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  • Calvin Leman

    Imagine if Dennis were president.


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  • peacewavenow

    Good points. ☮


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    in reply to SovereignBeing (Show the comment)
  • SovereignBeing

    well I'm all for ending war entirely, its all just a facade for financial gain, and ritual sacrifice of innocents. we can do without it, and also the programming of our young kids into violent behaviours, with computer games and toys, thats where it starts, as does the social conditioning of valour and bravery and doing your part to protect your country from the 'enemy' , the only enemy is you when you decide to put yourself in the firing line of a fake war.


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    in reply to peacewavenow (Show the comment)
  • peacewavenow

    I'm assuming that you mean how to slash the military budget.....Currently the USA spends approximately $2 billion-per-day on military spending. I would begin by making next years budget 1/2 of that or $1 billion-per-day. If that means we cannot have endless-pointless wars and military bases all over the world, so much the better. Regarding the logistics of the cuts, I'd let the DoD sweat the details, and I'd make sure they know that even more budget cuts will be coming for them.


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    in reply to SovereignBeing (Show the comment)
  • SovereignBeing

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    in reply to peacewavenow (Show the comment)
  • Felisha1919

    Great speech.


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  • peacewavenow

    To the 1%ers, someone getting government help is only called "socialism" if the recipient is poor or middle-class. However, when the well-heeled receive government funds, the entitlement-reform crowd is oddly silent.

    Want to cut government spending? OK.....Let's start by slashing the bloated military budget to the bone.


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  • beauvais681

    the boom and bust economy created by our central bank with private owners to fleese the general public of its true value assets to distributed to the select few.because they make the money from nothing to loan to the public. while we are left with national dept.... great vid DJK


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