
Kucinich: NO to #CatFoodChristmas

DJKucinichDJKucinich·264 videos
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Published on Dec 20, 2012

"Will Seniors be pushed off the 'fiscal cliff'? Social Security did not cause the deficit, but the White House's plan to lower Social Security cost-of-living benefits could eventually reduce Seniors' annual benefits by hundreds of dollars. The gimmick is called the 'Chained Consumer Price Index.' The Chained C.P.I. works this way: As the cost-of-living goes up, seniors inevitably turn to cheaper alternatives.

"For example, if seniors usually eat steak but then can't afford its higher price, they can switch to something cheaper, like cat food- - and the cost-of-living calculation would be 'chained' to the cheaper item - - cat food. So, the less you pay for food the less benefits you get. The 'chained CPI' benefit cut will chain aging seniors to a poverty of choices, a lower standard of living, with cheaper products.

"The chained CPI formula doesn't take into account seniors' rising health care costs. If it did benefits would go up. There is no justification to cut Social Security benefits. No to throwing seniors off the fiscal cliff. No to a Cat Food Christmas."

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  • TheNova1960

    Lead by example...Congress should take a pay cut!

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  • diane eardley

    What will we do without you, Dennis?!! You are the one voice for the people in Congress! I hope Alan Grayson will pick up the podium when he gets there.

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  • TheNova1960

    Tell that to the Members of Congress!


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    in reply to HappyUnDeuxTrois (Show the comment)
  • HappyUnDeuxTrois

    I agree. Everyone should pinch in. I would.


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    in reply to TheNova1960 (Show the comment)
  • MrLordfec

    wish we had this guy as an mp in uk


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  • TomSwervo1

    What worries me the most is that half the views on this video were probably people who thought "CatFoodChristmas" sounded silly.


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  • TheNova1960

    Well, someone should clip his wings!


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    in reply to snicker9400 (Show the comment)
  • snicker9400

    AMEN! BUT Daryl Issa, alleged Cleveland Arsonist- is House Oversite Committee CHAIR! also original assault weapons lobbyist!- a grey eagle


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    in reply to TheNova1960 (Show the comment)
  • snicker9400

    The chemical co.s and insurance co.s took over the stock mrkt. in 1930s Cleveland "D upont O hio W orks was forerunner-Metroplitan +Equitable followed-sherman anti-trust act tried to controll the take-over/Glas-stegal kept banks honest- TODAY we have regulations voided-The "right to lobby as a voter" into A.L.E.C. - Citizens United by "el supremo" was the last straw! Medicaid [state run now govt. run] says "good drugs for psychos"will be paid by medicare-now ohioans are being fracked-meow jch


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  • ThisIsNotPictureTube

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  • cshargeit

    30 years ago i saw the price rise of canned mackerel. it is because i chose it as a livable source of food. mix it with one third chris an pitts bar b que sauce. today its hormel chili with beans- never pay more than one dollar per can if possible. look for bubbles in bottle water- usually means the plastic pollutes it.


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