Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > CONSER - Cooperative Online Serials Program of the PCC > Serials Cataloging Issues

CONSER Standard Record: metadata application profile (MAP), instructions, training resources, and background.

Resource Description and Access (RDA) and CONSER guidelines and discussion

Core elements and cataloging checklist (2012):

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Guidelines (2011 and earlier):

Field 588

Repeatable 260 Fields

Open Access Journal Project / FAQ, project participants, Planning Group report

Electronic serials, excerpts from CONSER Cataloging Manual and other guidelines

Google Books Library Project Records: FAQ (PDF, 31KB)

Reporting LC Monograph Records for Integrating Resources

LC Copy Cataloging Policy (2004-2005)

MARC 21 Record Sets / Electronic Resources (July 2004)

PURL Server / OCLC/PCC PURL service, cooperative maintenance of URI (2003)

Use of Fixed Fields in CONSER Records

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