


Proudly serving Ohio's beautiful fourth district.

Washington, DC

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. We cannot diminish the value of 1 category of human life - the unborn - without diminishing value of all human life - Reagan

  2. Many of you have expressed concern over a federal pay raise issue. On Tuesday, the House passed a pay freeze for...

  3. Last night, I voted against the fiscal cliff deal crafted by the Senate. The one bright spot of this bill is that...

  4. Conservatives in the U.S. House & will take your questions today using from 11am-3pm ET. Join the conversation!

  5. A belated congratulations to Honda, as this month marks their thirtieth anniversary as an automobile manufacturer...

  6. Today, we thank our veterans for their dedication to our country and remember those who have made the ultimate...

  7. Check out @stosselfbn's show, "After The Welfare State" - 9pm EST tonight on Fox Business Channel.

  8. September 11th was a day of both horror and heroism. While radical terrorists showed the worst side of humanity,...

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