December Jobs Report

December Jobs Report

The Department of Labor announced that the economy added 155,000 jobs in December and...

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175 views / 1 favorite

December Jobs Report - Private Jobs

December Jobs Report - Private Jobs

The Department of Labor announced that the economy added 155,000 jobs in December and...

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Uploaded on Jan 4, 2013

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House Democratic Women of the 113th Congress

House Democratic Women of the 113th Congress

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Uploaded on Jan 3, 2013

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Congresswoman Pelosi Visits Richardson Apartments in San Francisco

Congresswoman Pelosi Visits Richardson Apartments in San Francisco

Congresswoman Pelosi tours the Richardson Apartments in San Francisco as a celebration of the...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi Visits Veterans Community Living Center

Congresswoman Pelosi Visits Veterans Community Living Center

Congresswoman Pelosi greets veterans during a tour of the San Francisco Veterans Administration...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi at the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Congresswoman Pelosi at the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Congresswoman Pelosi honors the Japanese-Americans who served in the 100th Infantry...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi Leads a Roundtable with Local Latino Small Business Owners

Congresswoman Pelosi Leads a Roundtable with Local Latino Small Business Owners

Congresswoman Pelosi leads a roundtable at the Mission Language and Vocational School with local...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi Visits HOPE SF Hunters View

Congresswoman Pelosi Visits HOPE SF Hunters View

Congresswoman Pelosi tours the HOPE SF Hunters View public housing rebuild project, which is a...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi Celebrates End of DADT

Congresswoman Pelosi Celebrates End of DADT

Congresswoman Pelosi celebrates the long-overdue end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell at the San Francisco...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi Joins the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

Congresswoman Pelosi Joins the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

Congresswoman Pelosi joins the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Chinatown as...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi at the Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast

Congresswoman Pelosi at the Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast

Congresswoman Pelosi shares the commitment to preserve our environment with Reverend Canon Sally...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi and the World Series Wager

Congresswoman Pelosi and the World Series Wager

Congresswoman Pelosi receives the spoils of a friendly wager with Members of Congress from Michigan...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi at St. Anthony's Dining Room

Congresswoman Pelosi at St. Anthony's Dining Room

Congresswoman Pelosi serves meals at St. Anthony's Dining Room in the Tenderloin District during...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi with leaders in San Francisco’s Asian and Pacific Islander community

Congresswoman Pelosi with leaders in San Francisco’s Asian and Pacific Islander community

Congresswoman Pelosi participates in a roundtable with leaders in San Francisco’s Asian and Pacific...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi joins Olga Miranda, Rosario Anaya, and Dolores Huerta

Congresswoman Pelosi joins Olga Miranda, Rosario Anaya, and Dolores Huerta

Congresswoman Pelosi joins Olga Miranda of SEIU Local 87 and Rosario Anaya of the Mission Language...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi signs the Full Funding Grant Agreement for Central Subway

Congresswoman Pelosi signs the Full Funding Grant Agreement for Central Subway

Congresswoman Pelosi signs the Full Funding Grant Agreement with Senator Mark Leno, Supervisor...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


Congresswoman Pelosi at the Friends of the Pink Triangle Ceremony

Congresswoman Pelosi at the Friends of the Pink Triangle Ceremony

Congresswoman Pelosi commemorates the LGBT victims of the Holocaust at the “Friends of the Pink...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


ngresswoman Pelosi at the San Francisco World Series Parade

ngresswoman Pelosi at the San Francisco World Series Parade

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi joins thousands of San Franciscans to celebrate the Giants four...

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Uploaded on Dec 17, 2012


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