Rep. Greg Walden

Rep. Greg Walden


Proudly serving the people of Oregon's Second Congressional District.

Oregon ·

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. In Oregon, families sit down around their kitchen tables and balance their budgets. It’s time for DC to do the same

  2. What'd you think of the Inauguration? I'll be joining on Fox News at 6:20 Pacific to chat about today and the next 4 years.

  3. Why did it take so long to "rule out" magic $1T coin?  Still need to close the coin loophole and get serious about real debt reduction.

  4. Good news about BPA’s Ponderosa Substation upgrade. This additional power is essential for growing our economy and jobs in central Oregon.

  5. I'll be live on the Laura Ingraham show at 7:15 Pacific to talk -- let's take the gimmick off the table and reduce spending.

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