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Community Relations

UC and Health

Public Safety

Giving to UC

UC-Industry Partnerships

Cooperative Extension

Continuing Education

Business Schools

UC News

UC and Community Home


UC Involvement with California
Communities and Businesses

The students, faculty, staff and alumni of the University of California are involved in a wide array of programs that benefit the community — from health care and affordable housing to school improvements and arts programs. Throughout California, the UC family is working hand in hand with local agencies and community members to solve critical social problems. They contribute thousands of hours as volunteers in after-school programs and other community settings.

Campus Web Pages on Community Involvement
The following campus-and-community web pages describe just a portion of those efforts and ways for you to participate in UC's community connections.

University-Community Engagement

UC: Serving California Communities - search for UC
     programs and services by region

UC Community and Government Relations Offices
Systemwide Division of University Affairs

Neighbors and Community
Cal in the Community - Community Partnership
      and Resource Guide

Cal Corps Public Service Center
UC Berkeley in the Schools: Kindergarten to College
Lawrence Hall of Science

Public Service Programs
Picnic Day
Environmental Outreach Programs

Community and Visitors
UCI Volunteer Center
Alumni Volunteers
Community Resources for the Elderly

Los Angeles
UCLA in the Community
Community Programs Office
Alumni Volunteers
Medical School Volunteers
Jules Stein Eye Institute and JSEI Affiliates - vision science      education and vision services


Riverside in the Community
Community Service Volunteers

San Diego
UCSD Volunteer Connection
Volunteer, Internships and Summer Research at Scripps
    Institution of Oceanography

Student Organization Leadership Opportunities

San Francisco
Community Outreach - includes public service education
      and health programs

Patient Care

Santa Barbara
UCSB in the Community
Community Relations

Santa Cruz
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Service Survey
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
     Community Outreach

Women's Center - list of community volunteer opportunities

UC National Labs and the Community

California State Society

Also at universityofcalifornia.edu
There are more links to UC public resources on other topic
     pages of this web site:
Cultural Resources: Libraries, Museums, the Arts, Gardens,
     Marine Centers, Observatories, Natural Reserves, Campus
     TV-Radio-Newspapers and UC Press

Health Care:
     Medical Centers
     Central Valley Health Resources
     Biotech Research
Public Safety

Giving to UC

California’s economy is now the sixth largest in the world, and is driven by knowledge-intensive industry “clusters” such as biotech, telecommunications and information technology. These clusters form a key link between UC research, UC-trained workers, individual companies and the future of California’s economy. Today, the groundwork for California’s future economic growth is being laid at UC campuses by new research discoveries and the next generation of scientists, engineers and business leaders.

The economic and social benefits derived from UC innovations and knowledge are greatest when that research can be quickly used by industry and put into practical applications and products for the office and home.

UC is involved in the entire continuum of workforce training – from preparing high-school students for college to university degree programs to continuing education courses. The 370,000 jobs directly dependent on UC expenditures represent more than 2% of all employment in California (2002). These workers bring prosperity and stability to businesses, families and neighborhoods throughout the state.

UC and the Economy: includes sections on Industry Clusters,
     Tech Transfer, Workforce Preparation
Technology Transfer
UC-Industry Research Program
California Institutes for Science and Innovation
Biotech Research and Partnerships
Cooperative Extension
Continuing Education
UC Regional Industry Programs and Corporate Relations
Business Schools
UC Economic Impact Reports


Diversity at UC

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