One Young World Summit - The Key Is We

Jan. 22, 2013

Witnessing more than 1,000 young people from 200 countries building the foundation for the legacy of their generation is a remarkable experience I won’t soon forget.

These young people were delegates to the 2012 One Young World Summit, which helped them make the lasting connections that produce the cooperation and collaboration necessary for positive and sustainable change on a global scale.

I had the privilege of addressing the young delegates who were formulating the answer to the fundamental question, “What Kind of World Do You Want?”

They debated, they listened to each other and they worked with counselors including Bob Geldof, Kofi Annan, Professor Muhammad Yunus, HKH Prince Haakon of Norway, Jamie Oliver, Jack Dorsey, Joss Stone and others.

After three intensive days, they left the summit as One Young World ambassadors with a hard-core commitment to galvanize their communities and make an impact in education, sustainable development, health, human rights and leadership.

Since the first summit in 2010, One Young World ambassadors have proven how effective collaboration is: they developed and presented The Missing Millennium Development Goal to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, and initiated the first-ever African Student Leaders Summit to pioneer African solutions to African challenges.

To date, almost four million people have been directly impacted by the work of One Young World ambassadors. More than 125 projects and initiatives in 100 countries are underway.

All involved with One Young World are proof that you don’t have to be in orbit to have the orbital perspective. These exceptional young leaders are building a legacy of positive change on our Fragile Oasis.

This is a video of my remarks, and at about 20 minutes in you'll see why I am so optimistic about the future of our planet and its seven billion inhabitants.

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Jan. 22, 2013

Elyse David

I had the opportunity to watch a number of clips from this summit and can tell you with 100% certainty that these kids are going to have a huge impact. We need to nurture this kind of drive, and harness their passion to improve life for all.

Jan. 22, 2013

Karen C.

This is the kind of future I would like to see. I think back on tensions between the US and the
Soviet Union when I was a kid, and even in that turmoil, Apollo/Soyuz was able to happen. The cooperation between NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, JAXA, Canada (to name a few) to build the ISS is amazing. The world needs to realize that each country can not make a better WORLD alone. We have only the one Earth, and we need to care for it. I have great hopes that special youth, such as the ones at this Summit, will want to make a difference. I want to make a difference.