November 29, 2012

Thursday's Show

Audio Pending

available at approx. 7:00 p.m. ET

Shots - Health News

Clinton Reveals Blueprint For An 'AIDS-Free Generation'()  

United Nations Aids Executive Director Michel Sibide hugs Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after they they presented the a road map for stopping HIV around the world.

HIV has been declining in many parts of the world over the past decade. Today the U.S. unveiled an ambitious plan to stop most new HIV infections around the world. But some health leaders question whether their goals are realistic, especially with impending budget cuts.



Around the Nation

In Wake Of Recession, Immigrant Births Plunge()  

The Pew Research Center reports that the U.S. birth rate has hit its lowest level ever, led by a dramatic decline among the foreign-born. The birth rate for Mexican women fell the most, down a stunning 23 percent since the recent recession began in 2007.




Greenland, Antarctic Ice Is Melting Faster()  

An iceberg that likely calved from Jakobshavn Isbrae, the fastest glacier in western Greenland.

The good news: Sea level has risen by just a half-inch in the past 20 years as a result of shrinking ice. The bad news: The melting is now speeding up. Over the next century, this could contribute to another 2- to 3-foot rise in sea level — enough to flood New York City every few years.



The Salt

Tastier Winter Tomatoes, Thanks To A Boom In Greenhouse Growing()  

The taste of Mock's tomatoes starts with the seed. He uses only organic varieties, including cherry and several heirloom varieties.

Just because it's cold doesn't mean we should have to give up delicious tomatoes. The "buy-local" movement has spurred a boom in greenhouse grown winter tomatoes in cold climates from Jackson Hole, Wyo., to Madison, Maine. And it uses less water and less land than conventional methods.




Space Probe Finds Ice In Mercury's Craters()  

Researchers say they have identified traces of ice in craters on Mercury, seen here in this Oct. 8, 2008, image from the Messenger spacecraft.

On the poles of our solar system's innermost planet, where temperatures can drop to -100 degrees Fahrenheit, researchers have identified water ice and organic "goo," most likely deposited there by comets that crashed into the planet.



All Tech Considered

Yet Another Shift In Facebook Policies Raises Privacy Concerns ()  

A magnifying glass is posed over a monitor displaying a Facebook page in Munich.

Facebook has a long history of upsetting its users by suddenly announcing a change to its privacy settings. In 2009, as a way to quiet the critics, Facebook set up a system for its customers to vote on changes. If enough of them were unhappy, the company would back down. Now, Facebook wants to get rid of the voting.



A Bet Or A Prediction? Intrade's Purpose Is Debated()  

Ireland-based Intrade lets users bet money on all manner of predictions — like if a particular film will win an Oscar. The site is ceasing operations in the U.S.

The "prediction market" site Intrade's decision to close in the U.S. highlights how the company exists in a regulatory gray area, somewhere between trading and betting. Intrade says it hopes to operate legally in the U.S. eventually. In the meantime, American users must close their accounts by year's end.


heard on air


Egypt Rushes To Pass Draft Constitution Amid Protest


Middle East

Palestinians See U.N. Status Vote As A Game Changer


Middle East

Flights Into Syria Cancelled As Rebels Make Gains


Middle East

Widespread Internet Outages Reported In Syria



Of Top Taxpayers, 1 In 5 A Small Business Owner


Digital Life

Senate Committee Approves Stricter Email Privacy



Water Levels Dangerously Low On Mississippi River



Lower Water Levels Dry Up Business On Great Lakes


all things considered people

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