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CBC Spark Interview – The Future of Digital Mapmaking

Published in Neogeography  |  1 Comment

CBC Radio SparkEarlier this week I was fortunate to interview on CBC Spark with Nora Young about the “Future of Digital Mapmaking”. We discussed a wide range of topics on the state and future of map making. Open data communities such as Openstreetmap, location ads, Google and Apple’s new platforms, augmented reality and more.

I truly enjoy thought provoking conversations that think more broadly about the domain and where it’s going. I hope you enjoy the interview and please let me know any comments or thoughts you have.

(direct mp3 download)

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  1. wkeever says:

    December 9th, 2012 at 11:38 pm (#)

    So here I am in Denver, CO listening to the CBC as we tend to do on Sundays and here comes Andrew Turner!!

    What a surprise. Keep kickin’ it!