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    Republicans hit Democrats with ’179 trips to the moon’ since Senate passed a budget

    (Speaker's office)

    You could have built three Pentagons, climbed Mount Everest 292 times and constructed all 1,179 miles of that Keystone Pipeline in the time since the Democrat-controlled Senate has passed a budget, House Republicans argued on Tuesday.

    As Yahoo News first reported, Republican House Speaker John Boehner's office released an infographic (pictured above) Tuesday to kick off a communications push designed to place Democrats on the defensive over the Senate's failure in nearly four years to pass a traditional budget rather than the stopgap measures that have been passed to delay government shutdown.

    House Republicans last week offered to raise the debt limit in the short term if Senate Democrats pass a budget. Following news of the proposal, the White House reiterated its insistence on a "clean" budget bill, but hailed the offer as a step towards further negotiations.


    • larry  •  3 hrs ago
      Politics and greed have doomed this country, we no longer have representation, we have a ruling two party class of elites...
      • MaryC 3 mins 36 secs ago
        Why the deflection, Larry? Are you working for the right wing?
    • Durangotang  •  4 hrs ago
      Congress should have to follow the law they just passed for mortgages. Loans require proof of the ability to repay. If Americans need to be able to repay their debt, so should AMERICA.
    • THOMAS  •  3 hrs ago
      How about the public doesn't have to pay any taxes until a budget is passed?
    • jerry  •  3 hrs ago
      We live on a budget and by god you people better start too !
    • Roll her eyes  •  4 hrs ago
      They don't get a pay check till a budget is passed. PLUS, they don't get any checks that were missed.
    • rammabiochO  •  2 hrs 51 mins ago
      What a divided country this United States is
    • A Smart Man  •  4 hrs ago
      First, return to the pre-LBJ budget days. Seperate the Social Security Trust Fund from the fedeal operating budget. Let America see and understand the amount of shortfall so it can be adjusted accordingly. If Obama wants to have a legacy, he could start with this budget function.
    • Yahoo User  •  4 hrs ago
      That's right! It's time to put together a budget!
    • Sassy  •  2 hrs 56 mins ago
      Im all for equality in the workplace, if your a hard working, trained individual, you deserve the same pay regardless of sex or color. As for individuals who just refuse to work because they know the government will provide, is just pure lazy.
    • Patrick  •  2 hrs 51 mins ago
      "When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."

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