
Weekly Republican Address 1/19/13: Rep. James Lankford (R-OK)

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Published on Jan 18, 2013

In this week's address, Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee James Lankford (R-OK) calls on the Democratic-controlled Senate to join us in reining in wasteful spending and passing a budget. The Senate has gone 1,361 days without passing a budget, despite being legally required to do so each year. The president's last budget received zero votes in the House and Senate, and the White House just announced that it will be late in submitting a budget--again.

Next week, the House will consider legislation which requires the Senate and House to pass a budget or Members' own pay will be suspended. Small businesses and families have a budget. Shouldn't our government? Share your thoughts on Twitter using #NoBudgetNoPay if you agree that Members of Congress should not be paid until we pass a budget: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23nobudgetnopay&src=typd

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  • wajobu

    GOP are the economic terrorists of this Nation, really.


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  • TheQuasiiii

    I love what Al Sharpton said about who has the blueberry pie on their face. For God sake lets not blame the GOP lets just blame everyone;especially those worthless ass working poor.The GOP is just not adult enough to admit to their total mismanagement of the government and their total display of their missing moral compass. Your just a victim of their blame transference onto Obama. Clinton left a surplus. Bush left a total bankrupt country If a man does not serve the truth than he serves the lie


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  • HemiHead66

    I'm so tired of hearing this budget BS. It's easy to cry fiscal responsibility when not one thing that serves your interest is on the chopping block. When I looked at the deficit charts in one of Paul Ryan's budgets I almost wet myself from laughing so hard. The stuff that's creating our debt wasn't even listed. Like the 150% increase in pork-barrel Defense spending. And Soc. Sec. & Medicare, which is paid for and has added nothing to our debt is blamed for everything. The GOP belong in jail.


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