Speaker Boehner on Senate Dems’ Failure to Pass a Budget: If You Don’t Do Your Job, You Shouldn’t Get Paid

WASHINGTON, DC – At a press conference with Republican leaders today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) called on Senate Democrats to pass a budget – which they have failed to do in nearly four years – and reiterated Republicans’ commitment to work toward a balanced budget that address the debt and helps grow the economy.  Following are Speaker Boehner’s remarks:

“Hardworking taxpayers understand that they’ve got to balance their budgets, whether it’s every week or every month.  They also believe that it’s time for Washington to balance its budget.

“Over the last four years House Republicans have offered plans – our budget plans - we’ve done our budgets, but it’s been nearly four years since the Senate has done a budget.  Most Americans believe you don’t do your job, you shouldn’t get paid, and that’s the basis for no budget, no pay.  It’s time for the Senate to act. 

“Chairman Paul Ryan has worked hard with the Budget Committee to outline the kind of reforms that we would put in place to bring real fiscal responsibility here to Washington.   And I think the American people understand that you can’t continue to spend money that you don’t have.  It’s time for us to come to a plan that will in fact balance the budget over the next 10 years.  It’s our commitment to the American people, and we hope the Senate will do their budget as they should have done over the last four years.”