Moving Our Nation Forward
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Improving Americans’ Quality of Life: Homes, Health, Jobs, and Education

Oversight Committee Democrats are focused on preserving home ownership, getting America back to work, ensuring quality, affordable health care, and giving all students access to a high-quality education.

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Making Government Work for All Americans

Our aggressive agenda works to root out waste, fraud and abuse in government spending, enhance transparency, and ensure that the needs of Americans are put ahead of corporate special interest.

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Promoting the Safety and Well-Being of the American People

We are committed to supporting our troops and veterans, protecting American consumers, and safeguarding national and homeland security.

For a PDF version of the Democratic Agenda, please click here.

Cummings Announces Anticipated Subcommittee Ranking Members for Oversight Committee PDF Print

WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, announced the expected ranking members for subcommittees in the 113th Congress.

“The diversity of experience and perspective that these Members bring to the Committee underscores Democrats’ continued commitment to improving the quality of Americans’ lives through the pursuit of balanced oversight and ensuring that government works effectively for everyone,” said Cummings.  “I look forward to working with them to address critical issues facing our nation.” 

The ranking members, who will be designated formally on January 22, are expected to be:

“It is critical that we continue to provide vigilant oversight of Department of Defense (DOD) contracting activities and the efficient use of taxpayer dollars, the transparency of DOD processes, and the safety of our men and women in uniform.  In recent years, our Subcommittee’s efforts have resulted in the exposure of billions of dollars of waste by DOD and significant positive changes to operational practices, strategic policies, and the culture of contracting itself.  Ensuring that these changes are implemented consistently and permanently, and that additional waste, fraud, and abuse is discovered and addressed, will require persistent and diligent oversight.  Along with Chairman Chaffetz (R-UT), we will build upon our recent investigations and hearings to ensure that our national security, our service members and veterans, and our taxpayer dollars are protected and receive the treatment they deserve,” said Tierney, a senior member of the Committee.  In the 112th Congress, Tierney introduced legislation to establish a Special Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations to monitor wartime taxpayer spending.  Full bio here.

“With jurisdiction over the postal service and the federal workforce, this Subcommittee has some very important and urgent matters on its agenda.  I am honored by this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing to work with Ranking Member Cummings and my colleagues on the Oversight Committee,” said Lynch.  He and Cummings introduced the Innovate to Deliver Act of 2011 to return the United States Postal Service to solvency.  Full bio here.  

“I’m honored to serve as the Ranking Member of the Government Operations Subcommittee.  I look forward to continuing to work on smart reform of federal procurement and operations policy, advancing our nation’s technology sector, and maintaining a robust and professional federal workforce,” said Connolly, who will continue his work to enhance the efficiency of the Federal government’s procurement process and reform the Federal government’s operations in a technology-driving environment.  Full bio here.

“I’m looking forward to working with Chairman Lankford as Ranking Member of the Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements Subcommittee.  Oversight of the Executive Branch is a fundamental responsibility of Congress, no matter who occupies the White House.  Holding the federal government, its contractors, and corporations accountable isn’t a partisan issue, it is a Congressional duty.  The next few years will see major changes and opportunities, in health care, Medicare, Social Security, food safety, and energy policy.  I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure these programs are transparent, accountable, and sustainable, and that any cuts do not jeopardize important consumer protections.  I will continue my work to protect the rights of public servants and citizens to communicate their concerns about waste, fraud and abuse to Congress, free from retaliation,” said Speier.  Speier has been an outspoken advocate for the protection of women’s rights and consumers.  Full bio here.

“I am honored and look forward to working with Ranking Member Cummings and all of the members of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on behalf of the American people.  Economic development and job creation play a major role in getting our country back on track, and I am determined to work as hard as I can to achieve these goals,” said Cartwright.  As a freshman Member who worked for the past 24 years as a practicing attorney, Cartwright plans to prioritize solutions that protect the middle class by addressing issues such as unfair provisions in business contracts and predatory lending practices.  Full bio here.


Committee On Oversight and Government Reform

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