by U.S. Representative Bill Keating on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 2:35pm ·

Will Be Lead on European Foreign Policy for 113th Congress


Washington, DC – Today, during a meeting of the Democratic Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Bill Keating was selected by his peers to be Ranking Member of the Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats Subcommittee.


The Europe Subcommittee has regional jurisdiction with respect to foreign policy matters, as well as oversight jurisdiction related to emerging foreign threats to the national security and interests of the United States.


Said Rep Keating:


“I am very excited about the potential work that lies in front of me as Ranking Member.  I believe it will be a great fit for both my district and my prior work.  The Europe Subcommittee provides the opportunity to attract foreign investments to the United States, translating into more jobs at home and a boost to our economy.  My district also already has major cultural links to Europe as home to one of the largest Portuguese-American as well as Irish-American populations in the country, and I am proud to be able to represent their interests at home and abroad.  Further, the subcommittee has jurisdiction over emerging foreign threats, which compliments my continued work on the Homeland Security Committee and also draws on my extensive experience as a District Attorney. 


“This is a critical time and there are great opportunities for US-EU relations.  I look forward to working extensively with the full committee in promoting America’s priorities abroad. The shared security and energy interests of the United States and its partners in Europe serve as a significant foundation for the future and my hope is to build upon these historic partnerships through my work on the Subcommittee.  In this regard, I hope to work closely with our transatlantic partners to examine the implications of the European financial crisis and the potential impact on American businesses.  Finally, I intend to leverage my position to encourage diplomatic exchanges and further tourism across the Atlantic.”


Rep. Keating will also serve on the House Committee on Homeland Security where he will continue his efforts to strengthen the security at our nation’s airports.