Real gun news, not found in the Mainstream Media

Thu, Jan 17, 2013
The "Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Preservation Act" is now working its way through the Oklahoma legislature. Introduced by state senator Nathan Dahm, this legislation puts Oklahoma shoulder-to-shoulder with Wyoming and Texas by putting federal gun-grabbers in check.  Read More...
Gun Stocks Continue to Soar After Obama's Executive Orders
Thu, Jan 17, 2013
President Obama has been credited by many gun owners and manufacturers as being the greatest guns salesman in history. Although Obama didn't launch a direct attack on the Second Amendment and gun ownership during his first term, many thought he would and purchased firearms and ammunition in great quantities. Now that President Obama has been elected a second time with a publicized goal of an "assault" weapons ban, gun sales are through the roof. The month of December brought in a record number of gun sales and FBI background checks. Yesterday, President Obama signed 23 executive actions for gun control and gun stocks continue to soar.  Read More...
Congressman: Obamacare, White House gun control 'intertwining'
Thu, Jan 17, 2013
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) expressed concerns about the “intertwining” of President Barack Obama’s gun control push and his 2009 healthcare overhaul legislation Obamacare in a Wednesday evening statement.  Read More...
James O’Keefe pranks gun-grabbers
Wed, Jan 16, 2013
Gun-control advocates claim that if we got rid of all the guns, if we rounded them all up and melted them down to make decorative planters and such, there’d be no more crime. No more guns = no more gun crime. Yay!  Read More...
Asheville Tea Party promotes Gun Appreciation Day
Wed, Jan 16, 2013
“We absolutely refuse to let the other side dominate the converstation,” said Jane Bilello, chairman of the Asheville Tea Party. “Gun-free zones and gun control don’t work, and the American people get that.” Bilello said she knows the event, scheduled for this Saturday, will draw criticism. Organizers are “encouraging everyone to patronize their local gun shops, dealers, ranges, and gun shows on Saturday," according to a Tea Party press release. Read More...

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