Dear friends,

This week the President announced a series of executive actions that he would take regarding firearms laws at a theatrical press conference at which the President surrounded himself with children.  Like many of you, I found the Presidents use of children to drive his agenda shameful.  However, I will carefully review the President’s executive actions and his legislative proposals. 

 Our Founding Fathers believed the right to bear arms was essential to the cause of freedom. Those same Founders also gave the executive branch the authority to enforce the laws protecting this right and our security—and this is the authority the President was asserting when he signed his executive actions. 

I will review these proposals to ensure that the President's actions and proposals do not violate our constitutionally protected right to bear arms.  I will also thoughtfully consider whether the laws we currently have on the books can be better enforced to safeguard our lives and our liberty. 

I have always defended the Second Amendment and will continue to do so with my heart and soul.  I look forward to having a thoughtful, honest and straightforward discussion about these issues in the Judiciary Committee over the next few months.

The gun control press conference capped off a busy period in Washington, D.C.  The House recently elected a Speaker and organized for the 113th Session of Congress.  Among the items of business for the House and for the Judiciary Committee will be immigration reform.  I have worked hard to have what Politico describes as “a leading GOP voice on immigration changes,” and want you to know that I want changes to our immigration laws that reflect our conservative values and heritage.  That means no amnesty and no special pathway to citizenship.  We must find a solution that is fair to immigrants who have done things the legal way, fair to those who are struggling to achieve their dreams but are caught within our broken immigration system and, most importantly, fair to our American citizens who demand fidelity to the law.  I look forward to continuing the discussion with you as immigration bills are introduced and debated in Congress.

Finally, I wanted to share with you an article that explains my involvement in the organization of the 113th Congress and my goals and philosophy moving forward over the next two years. 

Raúl’s Rules

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