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Labrador Announces Staff Changes

WASHINGTON, D.C. —Idaho First District Congressman Raúl R. Labrador today announced the departure of chief of staff John Goodwin. Labrador’s current legislative director Jason Bohrer will replace Goodwin as chief of staff.

“I’d like to thank John for his hard work during the past two years,” Congressman Labrador said. “His early leadership allowed my office to hit the ground running from day one. He has been an incredible asset to my office and to the people of Idaho.”  

“I am also excited to have Jason become my new chief of staff after successfully managing my legislative initiatives.  His knowledge of Idaho and his understanding of the legislative process will ensure that we build upon the success of my first term for the people of Idaho.”

Bohrer grew up in Idaho and graduated from Aberdeen High School before earning his undergraduate degree from North Dakota State University and a law degree from George Mason University School of Law.  He began his career working for Harris Publishing in Idaho Falls before moving to Boise and serving as the State Republican Party’s communications director. He then managed Senator Larry Craig’s Idaho Falls regional office before moving to Washington, D.C., where he served as legislative assistant for Senator Craig and legislative counsel for Senator Jim Risch before joining Labrador’s staff in 2011.