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Latest Blogs in News

Line of Fire

To some, the AR-15 is a symbol of American freedom. To others, it’s a weapon of mass destruction

Jacob Jones
| Jan 15, 2013

3.5 Million or more AR-15-style rifles are in circulation in America. - NRAíší€ší‚í‚  Black gunmetal strikes coarse against the skin. With its stout and angular design, the AR-15 semiau


Land War

Why officials who pushed to designate caribou habitat are now considering lifting federal protections

Joe O'Sullivan
| Jan 15, 2013

Raul's Rules

Idaho U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador could bring about a revitalization of the Republican Party — or thwart it

Daniel Walters
| Jan 15, 2013

Math Nerds

Spokane Public Schools looks at math; plus, local officials enter the gun debate

Daniel Walters, Joe O'Sullivan
| Jan 15, 2013

Filibustered Future

Without changing its rules, the deliberations will drag on forever

Robert Herold
| Jan 15, 2013

It’s About Suicide

The debate on gun control needs to expand to include mental health

Paul Quinnett
| Jan 15, 2013

Transit of the Future

What comes next in the evolution of the Inland Northwest

Joe O'Sullivan
| Jan 15, 2013

'Not a Privilege'

How traffic tickets may unfairly target the poor and what advocates are doing to change the law

Heidi Groover
| Jan 15, 2013

The Next 125 Years

Publisher's Note

Ted S. McGregor Jr.
| Jan 15, 2013

OLYMPIA | Spokane's Wish List

For some changes, Spokane has to ask the state for permission.

Joe O'Sullivan
| Jan 15, 2013
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