Senator John Boozman

Senator John Boozman


Representing Arkansas in the U.S. Senate. Contact Info: 202-224-4843

Arkansas ·

  1. Our message to Gen. Welsh was the tremendous resource the is. He knew the #'s but didn't realize the amount of training here (cont)

  2. I stopped by the Buddy Smith Home in FSM which provides living space for local military veterans facing homelessness

  3. National defense is something the federal government is charged with and the is the most cost effective air base.

  4. We are looking forward to welcoming Gen Welsh to FSM & showing him the great work of It's great to see the community support here

  5. The President’s plans rely too strongly on the failed ideas of the past. New gun control laws are not the answer. More:

  6. Many have asked about pay raise President Obama authorized for Congress. This blog post explains how we rejected it

  7. Honored to serve on these important committees in new session of Congress & excited about what we can accomplish for AR

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