Scott Tipton

Scott Tipton


Representative of Colorado's Third Congressional District

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  1. Today we remember a courageous American who dedicated his life to fighting for equality & freedom for all. Happy Martin Luther King Day!

  2. Next week the House will consider a bill to withhold pay from members of Congress if a budget is not passed. No budget, no pay!

  3. Will be speaking on House floor in support of Katie's Law at 1:40 ET. In CO Katie's Law has helped take violent criminals off the streets.

  4. The news of the shootings in Connecticut is horrifying. My heart and prayers are with the victims and families. So senseless.

  5. Today we mark the 71st anniversary of the attack on . We must never forget that day and the thousands who were killed.

  6. Tonight we will light the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, which comes from the White River National Forest near Meeker, CO


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