Tipton supporting freeze on Congressional pay

Jan 7, 2013 Issues: Fiscal Responsibility

WASHINGTON, DC— Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) is fighting to ensure that Members of Congress receive no pay raise.  Tipton is an original co-sponsor of the Congressional Pay Freeze Act (H.R. 54), which would implement a pay freeze for this Congress. On December 27, 2012 the President issued an executive order to give pay increases to the Vice President, Congress, senior bureaucrats, judges and other federal employees.  H.R. 54 would ban any pay increases for the 113th Congress.

“Most of the people in my district are not getting raises in this economy, in fact, they’re doing everything they can just to pay the bills and keep their families afloat.  Many are struggling to find work at all with real unemployment around 20 percent in communities like Grand Junction and Pueblo,” Tipton said.  “During tough times like these, the last thing Washington should do is give raises to Congress and other federal officials, and yet, that is what the President wants to do.  Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. President. Improving the economy and getting people back to work are my priorities, and in order to do those things, we need to get serious about spending reform, and shrink the size of government. We must lead to get spending in check, and that means saying ‘no’ to any attempts to increase pay for Congress.”

In addition to this effort, Tipton supported measures over the past two years that cut House office budgets by a combined 11 percent.