Eliminating Federal Waste


Contact: Catherine Mortensen
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office: 202.225.4422; Cell: 202.841.2653
 Find me on Facebook Catherine.Mortensen@mail.house.gov

Lamborn Fights Federal Waste

Calls for Streamlining Mapping Bureacracy

House Natural Resources Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) released the following statement on the Government Accountably Office’s (GAO) report Geospatial Information: OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication(GAO-13-94):


“Earlier this year, I introduced  the Map it Once, Use It Many Times Act (H.R. 4233) to address the exact problems identified by GAO in this report.  At our hearing earlier this year, multiple experts testified that the federal government doesn’t know what the Federal Government owns and wastes millions, if not billions, on duplicative geospatial activities.  This report makes clear that federal agencies are failing to solve this problem.  In the upcoming 113th Congress, I will continue to make reducing waste and duplication in federal agencies a top priority.” -- Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

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