Rep. Ted Deutch

Rep. Ted Deutch


Florida Democrat on Foreign Affairs & Judiciary Committees, Sponsor of Amendment, Member of House Seniors Task Force

Boca Raton, FL ·

  1. At MLKJR lunch in today I'll discuss how we must look to Dr. King's work on nonviolence to address today's challenges

  2. Thank you for your kind words about my new ranking position on Middle East Subcommittee. Looking forward to working with you!

  3. South Florida Congressman Ted Deutch named top Democrat on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa. /AM

  4. No House vote on fiscal cliff yet, but we did just pass my Drywall Safety Act to protect families from Chinese drywall

  5. One week on, we mourn the 20 kids and 6 adults slaughtered, and we let the 's outrageous response remind us how much work we must do.

  6. RT Scalia: 2nd amendment "is not a right to keep & carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose"

  7. Polls show NRA members support sensible gun safety laws, but that's moot when the only represents the gun industry.

  8. With Plan B out of the picture, it's time to take Social Security off the table & abandon the chained CPI

  9. Plan B baffles: It ends our already-weak home refinance program (HAMP) w/ language just nicely asking banks to refinance mortgages

  10. Cutting nutrition assistance to 20 million kids, cancer screenings for 500,000 women, etc. Plan B is a blend of bad ideas.

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