Mental Floss

Mental Floss

@mental_floss New York/Birmingham/Cleveland
Amazing facts from the good people at mental_floss magazine. Jason English is in charge of typing.
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Mental Floss
Originally, Twinkies had banana-flavored filling. Hostess switched to vanilla after bananas were rationed during World War II.
Mental Floss
John Lennon Was a Crazy Cat Lady ---
Mental Floss
The idea for K'Nex came from a guy playing with drinking straws at a wedding. Here are 6 awesome K’Nex Creations —
Mental Floss
At a White House luncheon, Teddy Roosevelt once entertained guests by throwing the Swiss minister to the floor to demonstrate a judo hold.
Mental Floss
Fig Newtons are named after Newton, Massachusetts. Not Isaac Newton. (Via a 2009 episode of The Big Bang Theory.)
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New clearance items in the mental_floss store! Get an extra 15% off with code CLEAR15 —
Mental Floss
According to Hallmark, today is Peculiar People Day.
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This Tetris Video Will Stress You Out ---
Mental Floss
12 Heroic U.S. Military Chaplains —
Mental Floss
In 1998, a Georgia teen was suspended from school for wearing a Pepsi t-shirt on "Coke in Education Day."
Mental Floss
On Inauguration Day in 1905, Teddy Roosevelt wore a ring that contained a lock of Abe Lincoln's hair.
Mental Floss
The New Hampshire Town That Votes at Midnight (and Is Pretty Good at Picking Republican Candidates) —
Mental Floss
Purdue engineering students built a licking machine to see how many licks it takes to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop. It averaged 364.
Mental Floss
Back in 2010, the Iranian government banned certain decadent western hairstyles — including the mullet.
Mental Floss
Quiz: Name the 27 Baseball Hall of Famers Who Received at Least 90% of the Vote —
Mental Floss
Why does New Hampshire get to hold the first presidential primary? It's the law! —
Mental Floss
How Mister Rogers Saved the VCR —
Mental Floss
Neil Armstrong's astronaut application arrived a week past the deadline. A friend slipped the tardy form into the pile with the others.
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Our Top Story This Week: 119 Amazing Facts for National Trivia Day —
Mental Floss
Our #2 Story This Week: Why Do Dogs Walk in a Circle Before Lying Down? —