Larson Joins House Members Calling for Hearing on Constitutional Remedies to Take Money Out of Politics PDF Print E-mail

(Washington) – Today Congressman John B. Larson, Chairman of the Task Force on Election Reform, joined Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards and Congressman Ted Deutch in announcing that members of the task force have joined in signing a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, urging them to hold a hearing on constitutional remedies to address the consequences of Citizens United.

"As our last election proved, we must find ways to stop unregulated and undisclosed money in our elections," said Congressman Larson. "This year, the House Judiciary Committee has the opportunity to look at constitutional remedies to address the decision on Citizens United, and take the influence of money out of politics. Three years is too long to have the voice of ordinary Americans drowned out by mega-corporations, millionaires and billionaires."

"January 21st marks the third anniversary of Citizens United - a dark day for democracy in our nation. It is imperative that Congress assess constitutional remedies to once-and-for-all close the door to unlimited corporate and individual spending on our elections. The House Judiciary Committee has the responsibility to hold hearings on this issue. The voices of the American people cannot afford to be drowned out by unlimited special interest money in another election cycle," said Congresswoman Donna Edwards.

"Frustration over the rise of big money in politics spans the ideological spectrum because Democrats and Republicans alike understand that the ability of well-funded special interests to set the agenda in Washington threatens our very system of self-government," said Congressman Ted Deutch. "As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, I believe my colleagues and I have a duty to examine the constitutional crisis spawned by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, which has stripped Americans of the right to regulate spending in our elections."

This Monday, January 21st, marks the three year anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The Task Force on Election Reform was created by Leader Nancy Pelosi to develop a legislative agenda for reforms to the electoral process under the D.A.R.E. (Disclose, Amend, Reform, and Empower) framework for the 113th Congress. Attached is the full text of the letter . Below you will find a list of those who signed on:

Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards

Congressman Theodore E. Deutch

Congressman John Larson

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

Congressman James P. McGovern

Congressman Rush D. Holt

Congressman Adam B. Schiff

Congressman Chris Van Hollen

Congressman Ed Perlmutter

Congressman John A. Yarmuth

Congressman Kurt Schrader

Congressman George Miller

Congressman David E. Price

Congressman Robert A. Brady

Congresswoman Susan A. Davis

Congressman Raul M. Grijalva

Congressman Keith Ellison

Congressman John P. Sarbanes

Congressman Rick Nolan



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