Help Make History

The next four years hold incredible promise for the United States, and President Obama is committed to working with everyone to move our country forward.

That means you, too.

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Watch History Happen

Sunday, January 20, 2013
11:55am ET

President Obama takes the oath of office in a private ceremony at the White House

Monday, January 21, 2013
11:00am ET

Inaugural Ceremony, Capitol Hill

2:35pm ET (estimated)

Inaugural Parade, Pennsylvania Avenue

7:00pm ET (estimated)

Commander-in-Chief's Inaugural Ball, available at:

Your Voices at the Inauguration

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Be a Part of the Next Four Years

Inaugural Facts

Did You Know?

George Washington’s second inaugural address in 1793 is the shortest on record, a mere 135 words.

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Help make history

On January 21, President Obama will be sworn in at a ceremony marking the beginning of his second term. As the President continues to fulfill his promises, we'll provide opportunities for you to engage with your Administration.