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  1. Rep. Duffy Talks Fiscal Cliff on MSNBC by RepSeanDuffy
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  7. 7Rep. Duffy on Medicare Cuts in Health Care Refo... by RepSeanDuffy
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  22. 22Duffy on reforming the tax code.mov by RepSeanDuffy
  23. 23Rep. Duffy talks about protecting family farms by RepSeanDuffy
  24. 24Rep. Duffy Talks Solutions for Budget and Debt by RepSeanDuffy
  25. 25Rep Duffy talks about Medicare concerns on Hous... by RepSeanDuffy
  26. 26Rep. Duffy Speaks in Favor of St. Croix Bridge ... by RepSeanDuffy
  27. 27Kudlow Report With Reps. Duffy and Maloney by RepSeanDuffy
  28. 28STOCK Act Floor Speech by RepSeanDuffy
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  30. 30Rep. Duffy Joins Andrea Mitchell by RepSeanDuffy
  31. 31Rep. Duffy Joins The Kudlow Report by RepSeanDuffy
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  41. 41Floor Speech On The Balanced Budget Amendment- ... by RepSeanDuffy
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  51. 51Duffy: Democrats demagogue the Medicare issue, ... by RepSeanDuffy
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  54. 54Bernanke admits that QE3 is on the table by RepSeanDuffy
  55. 55Duffy questions Bernanke whether raising taxes ... by RepSeanDuffy
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  58. 58Northland's NewsCenter: Community Spotlight on ... by RepSeanDuffy
  59. 59Congressman Duffy and family on NBC's "Today Show" by RepSeanDuffy
  60. 60Duffy: You Don't Help Job Seekers by Punishing ... by RepSeanDuffy
  61. 61Duffy: No family budget has increased like the ... by RepSeanDuffy
  62. 62Duffy: NPR vote was right for my constituents, ... by RepSeanDuffy
  63. 63Duffy: Federal spending is unsustainable, we ha... by RepSeanDuffy
  64. 64Duffy: It is undeniable that Medicare needs to ... by RepSeanDuffy
  65. 65Duffy: We don't create jobs by raising taxes on... by RepSeanDuffy
  66. 66Duffy on the need for the President to consult ... by RepSeanDuffy
  67. 67Duffy: "If we cut up the credit card, I'm willi... by RepSeanDuffy
  68. 68Channel 9 in Wausau Report on Congressman Sean ... by RepSeanDuffy
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  70. 70Duffy: Small Community Banks and Credit Unions ... by RepSeanDuffy
  71. 71Duffy: We Cannot Separate Safety and Soundness ... by RepSeanDuffy
  72. 72Duffy Speaks Up For Community Banks and Credit ... by RepSeanDuffy
  73. 73Duffy Opening Statement in Financial Services C... by RepSeanDuffy
  74. 74Duffy Honors Sgt. Matthew Hermanson on House Floor by RepSeanDuffy
  75. 75Duffy: We are in a global marketplace, we have ... by RepSeanDuffy
  76. 76Duffy Floor Speech During Budget Debate (full) by RepSeanDuffy
  77. 77Duffy: If we don't reform Medicare, CBO says it... by RepSeanDuffy
  78. 78Duffy: Trillion dollar deficits every year movi... by RepSeanDuffy
  79. 79Duffy: We need to reform Medicare to save it by RepSeanDuffy
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Rep. Duffy Talks Fiscal Cliff on MSNBC

RepSeanDuffyRepSeanDuffy·91 videos
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Published on Nov 28, 2012

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  • jannmutube

    What he's saying doesn't sound intellectually honest. In the CNN video "How we got to the edge of the Fiscal Cliff", the commentator says "Almost all congressional Republicans signed the Norquist tax pledge which forbids those who signed from raising taxes ever under any circumstances." Did you vote for Grover Norquist, President of Americans for tax reform, a private group, to represent you? Do you think it's really responsible to sign such an agreement?


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  • jannmutube

    It's time for Republicans to stop blaming Social Security, Medicare, and the disabled for the financial crisis. "Free market" republicans have been the main driving force behind the repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act and the Bush tax cuts for the rich which accounts for half the national debt to the benefit only the upper 2%. Deregulation allowed over-capitalization of stock, the loss of IRA savings, and financial instruments that bundled and sold mortgages worldwide knowing they would fail.


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  • jannmutube

    Historically, the best solution to climbing out of a severe depression is spending that provides a safety net for the unemployed and creates jobs. That's what Roosevelt did. President Carter tried cutting spending and it did finally provide some relief by the time Reagan took office but it wasn't as deep a depression and it worked serious hardship on people. What needs to happen is for Republicans to take responsibility for the disaster their so-called "free market" has created.


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  • jules3507

    Yeah - raise taxes on the richest Americans so we can fund the government for what... 8 days?? You are an idiot who has clearly bought into the un-American class warfare that your president spews daily.


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  • DillonDee1

    I hate m-f-ers like this guy who says "we'll talk about REVENUE"

    Talk about raising taxes on the richest americans -- how about that!


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