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Get Out &
Explore with
National Geographic

Announcing our Summer 2015 Trips!

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Get Out & <br/>Explore with <br/>National Geographic
Get Out & <br/>Explore with <br/>National Geographic
Get Out & <br/>Explore with <br/>National Geographic
Get Out & <br/>Explore with <br/>National Geographic

About Our Trips

Get into the field on an Expedition, Conservation in Action trip, Photo Workshop, Community Service trip, or On Campus program, at a destination that captures your imagination. National Geographic offers student travel programs around the world that aim to inspire and educate high school students. | More »

Go "On Assignment"

On our Expeditions, On Assignment projects allow you to dig deeper into a country’s landscape and culture, and to develop your own story throughout your travels by translating your experiences into a finished product—an essay, short film, or slideshow. | More »

Planning your Trip

Start planning your summer adventure! We’re happy to help you find the best travel program to meet your interests and needs.

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Your participation in a National Geographic Student Expedition provides support to National Geographic's mission of increasing global understanding through exploration, geography education, and research.
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