Jim Moran

Jim Moran


Updates from the U.S. Congressman representing the 8th District of Virginia (Northern Virginia)

8th District of Virginia · http://www.moran.house.gov/

  1. Congratulations to President Obama and Vice President Biden on their inauguration. Very moving ceremony.

  2. On my way to welcome almost 500 of our newest American citizens at today's naturalization ceremony!

  3. I'll be on MSNBC with to talk about President Obama's plan to prevent gun violence at 6pm - tune in!

  4. Rep (D-) says 's permissive gun laws are a big problem for Philadelphia & NYC, who suffer violence w/ those guns.

  5. Each day 33 Americans are murdered by firearms. Congress needs to put lives of our constituents over politics

  6. I applaud President's decisive and quick leadership on reducing gun violence and strongly support every provision in his plan

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